Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Nobody is Perfect... and i am Mr. Nobody. :)

Monday, March 9, 2009


Mister Magorium
" please do not sulk, everyone must face tomorrow. To Understand that we may be Sad, Scared or even be Suspicious."
"To face tomorrow, whatever it may hold with determination, joy and bravery."
"We breathe in, we pulse, we regenerate. Our heart beats, our mind creates and our soul injects."
we need to face everything still, if there is still a tomorrow.

End a story, start a new day with a new one.

If your country faces a bad ecomony, which country do you want to be bought over by?

personally, i want to be a Japanese... or at least to be influenced by them... somehow... to be smart and innovative like them...

share your views!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I had a meeting on Monday... it was fruitful and fulfilling... though to me it was just another meet that i always attend... this was different... at the end of it, i was given a very sudden comment...

"impressive" that's what he said to me.

i gave a weird 'HUH?" look... and i asked "like what impressive?".

"YOU, you impressed me. with your know how and your knowledge and how you represented your company."

i not know how to react... and i said "thanks, hope this collaboration project goes well"

"humble", he added. "you are a young chap, and you will go far"

i smiled. thanked and walked away.

it made my day.

Monday, March 2, 2009

My 'New' buy - not exactly

bought itc worn its love itb

Someone is using my email on IRC!!!!

Wat the Fiak... someone is posing off as me on IRC!!!

for your information MIRC is so old school for me already... and if anyone uses benken83@XXXXXXXXXX please dun get conned... worse use my picture for seeking sex... gawd!
ok i take that as a compliment for using my pic.. but an insult to seek for 'fun'... sheesh

get a life ppl!