Saturday, August 29, 2009

Rich Son Poor Son - so what if your children are rich?

Love of the family is Life's Greatest Blessing

Final Destiny

From "Leaving on a Jet Plane" to "Highway from Hell" to "living a life on a rollercoaster" and now "speed racer" and hell ya i am talking about the 4th sequel to Final Destination...

i managed to squeeze out abit of my time to watch one of my favorite gore movie (2nd to SAW)...

i have heard so much about it on radio... watched the trailer on TV and all other marketing visual channels... i was excited before... but now i am totally disappointed after the movie...

there is a purpose... the director wants you to view the movie in 3D... and if you dun... you will be very pissed with the 2D version... how i know? you asked? ... well after receiving much feedback from frens... those who watched 3D enjoyed more than those who watched 2D... after watching 2D myself i know what my friends meant....

the movie was shot for such that it is much for the 3D viewing pleasure.... the computer graphics.. the angle of the gore... the premonition effects etc etc.... argh.. much less to talk about the storyline... it sucks too...

i really agree with the movie curse... alot of movies die at their 3rd sequel... those who survived only a handful... star wars, harry potter... thats all i can think of for now...

this time round.. i think the Director is out for the $$$ real big time.. the cuts and other film factor is really sub-standard... gosh... i wasted some bucks on this...

well, i am not discouraging anyone to watch it... but i think if you die die want to watch.... be willing to spend a little more to watch the 3D version.... dun even bother on the 2D..

conclusion... i prefer FD 1 and 2 the best

enjoy! :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

i Eating this tonite!

I SCREAM ICE CREAM!!! BUFFET STYLE.... haha... this will be my last indulgence before my actual fitness regime... suppose to start pre Bday.. but haha start now also better than nothing... kambate nei!

Monday, August 24, 2009


i dunno why but if you are so cool about this issue and so open to accept it... lets jus be it...thanks for your blessing... i guess i really dun understand u at all, all this while... time to move on...

徐佳瑩-身騎白馬 - My current Squeeze!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Readers tell me!

Wokay.. it has come to a point that i am slowing down my blog entries... well not becos i have no content to write about but i was damn farking bz with sorting mylife...

yeah been trying to sort things out one at a time for now... as the endless seems endless yet again...

oh... yup i jus crossed my hurdle for my first quarter life... I'm 26 already.. officially 26yrs and 3 days as i write this entry...did my first house party... it was great fun and i thank those who attended... the planning part is one hell... thanks to Eva, james and Jonah fo the great help setting up (photos up soon)... well... looking back i have been working non-stop since young... trying to make ends meet and cover my school fees then... and now.. trying to find the next step to move on...

for the longest time i have been telling my friends that i would like to plan to further my studies in University... been years since i have said that... and those who i have spoke to with regards already gotten their Degree... am i too unwillingly to step out of my current comfort zone..? been thinkin about that alot... what should i do?...

right... enuff whining about me.... ha... anyway i know i have some following for my blog.. and yeah i have been a little disappointing since my last entry... haha sorry folks.... well.. tell me what you like to read and i will try my best to write... else it would be alot of me me and me ... haha

hear from you guys soon :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hi Jack!

After a month-long holiday in the US, my wife and I finally boarded the
plane in San Francisco last Sunday heading home to Singapore.

As the plane reached cruising altitude & speed with the seat belt sign switched off,
a 6-footer man with the build of Mike Tyson in the front row got up from his seat,
turned to face the back, raised his arm and yelled "HIJACK!"

Everyone was frozen to the seat, expecting the worst to happen.

Two stewards were about to jump onto this guy to overpower him when another
voice answered from the back of the plane: "HI JOHN!"

The moral of the story is:
If you have a friend named Jack, for heaven's sake don't ever "Hi" him in
the plane. Otherwise you may land yourself in deep shit!

Happy 26 to me :)

•*”˜˜”*°•. ˜”*°•♥•°*”˜ .•°*”˜˜”*°•.
**♥** HAPPY ♥ BIRTHDAY ♥ **♥**
.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜♥ ˜”*°•.˜”*°•.˜”*°•

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thanks Glenn


Thanks Glenn for the wonderful 26th Bday dinner and dessert at Tg Katong Rd... din noe got such nice place there...