Friday, July 22, 2011



hey i am back!.. back to this boring blog... haha

well many things have happened during my hiatus.. so tough to write everything down at one go...

maybe i can write a book already! but well maybe it will be all too boring to glue my readers to their seats.. well then again... i cant blame them cos my blog is really dead... dead everysince i got my account back from the stupid hacker...

anyway i think i will place it down in point form so that it is easier to read...

  1. WORK - i have changed job! yeah... oh wait! i am still with the same company it is just that i have changed jobscope.. and yup by far my 5th jobscope since i join a year ago... ya you din read it wrongly.. which means every 3 mths i will experience a new role.... sigh... not really good.. but what to do i am jus a small fry in the company... if you were to see my facebook info, you can see my scale of job.. Headhunters out there! if you are looking for a very dynamic person, you can come find me... i am pretty well organised haha..
  2. SPORTS- went to Taipei in June for Dragonboat race and we got 5th place for the men's championship... not bad for a race in an unfamiliar environment.. many new experience.. nice and cool ppl there.. :)
  3. SCHOOL - have been real busy with juggling school and work at the same time... work is always new and always learning... cos of the change in job scope, school is getting tougher and tougher... this is the toughest Semester i am facing... very very tough... hope i can scrape thru the exams which is coming .. 6Aug..
  4. TRAVEL - been travelling alot more this year, Hong Kong, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Meleka.. planning to go a country a month.. next stop Penang, Pangkor, Cambodia, Vietnam, China.. Australia, New Zealand.
  5. FRIENDS - hmm been trying to catch up with more friends this time round... met more ppl and lost some ppl.. i think it is how it goes...
  6. LOVE - well i can safely say that i am contented and happy :)
  7. BODY - well i am still trying to struggle with the body clock adjustment... then to fall into lightsleep and wake up groggy... worst... late... i am still trying to sleep early and wake up early.. aside i think i need to go into a full body detox program.. get rid of all the toxins... means more water, veggies, fruits, vitamins, and more exercise...
  8. TIME - more time to spend... what should i do with it
  9. MONEY - not enough... alot of liabilities ...
  10. BUSINESS - have alot of business plans but i don think i have the time to run and plan for it
  11. FAMILY - Bro and Sis are both getting married next year... hmm.. good thing is i will have a room to myself soon... and the current house will be under my name.
well thats all for today :)
