Thursday, December 4, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014


公司再大,不给你机会一样等于零;公司再小,给你空间创造,照样是卧虎藏龙的地方;工资是发给日常工作的人,,高薪是发给承担责任的人!奖金是发给做出成绩的人,,股权是分给能干忠诚的人!荣誉是颁给有理想抱负的人!辞退信将送给没结果还耍个性的人,,这里一定有个你!一个卓越的团队不是命悬一线或石破天惊,而是平静、刚毅、坚持和不断改善! 思想有多远,我们就能走多远!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Same day different meaning

Today marks the day of closure and time to move on... for real

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

Nice food @ unexpected place

Taiwan's mince meat rice and oyster mee sua paired with bubble tea 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Believe in yourself, believe in love

The biggest secret to creating a life you love is that it happens from the inside-out. When you find passion, drive, beauty, and magnificence within yourself, then the whole world starts to experience you that way, too. And this is how you manifest everything that you desire. You recognize that it starts within you.

Believe in yourself. Believe in love. Believe in having the relationship you want. When you know that you can be, do and have anything you desire, there's no choice but for it to show up in front of you.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Me in 2008

I look like %*#*^*^+**€>>+=¥
I didn't even remember this being taken

Shine bright like a diamond

Yum yum

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Building relationship with a stranger takes 5 basic steps

If you had to give a crash course in building a relationship with someone, what are the top 5 things people need to do? What carries the bulk of the freight so-to-speak?

1) Learn… about their priorities, goals, and objectives.
2) Place… theirs ahead of yours
3) Allow them to talk…. suspend your own need to talk.
4) Seek their thoughts and opinions.
5) Ego suspension!!! Validate them unconditionally and non-judgmentally for who they are as a human being.

Strange things

Driving home and spotted 2 "UFOs" along the open field.. 

Relaxing one corner

When everyone is going slow, I decided to take 5 and ease my mind... 

This is first step to find inner peace.. Dun stress dun stress 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Where I find peace when I am down

I am 30 and...

It is time to change my NRIC and my Passport 

A new start a new beginning