Tuesday, August 12, 2008


MY FAVE OAKLEY Shade 2007/08 collection
Polarized Radar

i was searching online for Oakley shades and i happened to bump onto this guy's blog http://www.my-oakley-collection.blogspot.com/ ... and whoa! this guys is a damn hell of a collector... and not only does he collect, he sells online too... cheaper than buying in retail distributor shops...

okok, i admit i am a sucker for red stuffs... of course in a masculine way... i saw the following... and they have been officially added to my wanted list of things to get this year... not all la.. but one of them :P

RARE CUSTOM Crosshair White Black Gradient with Ducati Red Icon
this got a red icon on white frame... my fave combination of colors

RARE CUSTOM M Frame Strike Carbon Fiber Red Iridium
White + black + red ... how much more can i ask for?

RARE CUSTOM M Frame Sweep Black Red Iridium
Damn cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

were the oakley m frame lenses postive red? or fire iridium. email me at tommyd129@aol.com. i have the same exact frame and i like that look. thanks