Sunday, January 18, 2009

Red Cliff the Movie



For those war, history, action, strategy, fantasy movies lovers out there... this show is a must watch... 2 series... Red Cliff 1 and 2.

To some, this movie may be abit dry but i feel the execution of the movies are so damn good that you wun fall asleep due to the dialogue.. u will keep your eyes peeled and follow thru every single detail....
Castings are good except i feel that Guan Yu can be a taller and bigger fellow... in the movie he look puny and weak... but irony he is a strong fighter in the movie... haha
ok enuff said .. go watch... oh and one last shit.... LIN CHI LING is Fucking hot in the movie... the beauty aura jus spreads through the movie... i oogled at her every little single movement... awwww

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