Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Awwww....Valentine's Gift from Friends...

Went to Dome with a friend to have a cuppa

awwwww..... a gift.... something nice and practical... most imptly it is something i want to get
i would say it is very thoughtful to get this... the bass emitted from the earpiece is damn good for the price... and the earpiece fits snuggly in your ear... nice...

bought ourselves drinks... Mocha Gelato and Ice Coffee Gelato = Jelat!!!

another gift from another friend.... haha... yes.. from Julius himself.. i always admire how he is so inspired and can come out with such chocs.... the pink one was the one i pick up first to taste..... pop the whole thing into my mouth...and wooo.... the brandy jus spills out of the choc... i was not prepared... the alcohol jus shoots up my brain..! the rest... surprises and more surpirses...
highly recommended... to get it for that special someone for bday, anniversary, or whateva the case... not too sure if Julius still do these for other than V-day... you can ask him urself...

din have my lunch earlier... so got this platter to share... din noe it was such a big serving...
nice... comes with 3 sauces.. salsa, sweet & sour and mayo.. i cant believe i had this an hr before our dinner...
i had good fun today... spending time with ppl i love ... too fun that the rest of the pictures are memories....
Happy V-day to all of you... and a special Valentine's Day to.c YOU.s too.b.....

Monday, February 9, 2009

Obamized ME

Found this website to obamized urself... go explore and have fun!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why is it so hard?

i had a very emotional weekend... so many things happened around me... to my friends, my relatives and my family... people love, people hate... but no one can truly appreciate...

the help that i extended to my relative quite some time back... i was given a back lashed saynig that i am a busy body...

the help i extend to my family... say i was overdoing..

the help i extended to my friends... say i was eating into their personal life..

why is it so hard for people to appreciate the love and kindness one gives to another... must there always be a reason to do that?

if you were asked,"Why are you being so nice to me when i am a piece of shit." how would you answer?

i did not... i chose to keep silent about it. for an emo person like me... it is very tough... i teared.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Latest Caps Collection

After wearing and buying caps for some time now... i decided to give tribute to these wonderful 'buddies' who have given me cover up for my bad hair day... i am lucky enough to carry these trucker caps with heavy print.... realized not alot of ppl can pull it off...
my current collection

Koi black (embroidery)

Koi Grey (embroidery)

Sequinne Silver (embroidery logo)

Sequinne Green (embroidery logo)

Tiger White

Slurping Ape


Chinese New Year 26 Jan - 9 Feb (under construction)

Keep your eyes peeled for this post.

Benjamin Button Preview - or rather Unbuttoned

Brad Pitt gives the ladies a little taste at 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' photocall in Paris, France.

ps. the angle shot of him against the backdrop gives him a pair of horn. lol... that explains why.