Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why is it so hard?

i had a very emotional weekend... so many things happened around me... to my friends, my relatives and my family... people love, people hate... but no one can truly appreciate...

the help that i extended to my relative quite some time back... i was given a back lashed saynig that i am a busy body...

the help i extend to my family... say i was overdoing..

the help i extended to my friends... say i was eating into their personal life..

why is it so hard for people to appreciate the love and kindness one gives to another... must there always be a reason to do that?

if you were asked,"Why are you being so nice to me when i am a piece of shit." how would you answer?

i did not... i chose to keep silent about it. for an emo person like me... it is very tough... i teared.

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