Thursday, May 21, 2009

TOKYO - checklist

  • Toiletries - checked
  • Medication - checked
  • thermometer - checked
  • N95 mask - checked
  • vitamin C efferversence - checked
  • Cardigan - checked
  • Red Checkered shirt - checked
  • pullover - checked
  • T-shirts - not yet checked
  • 2 long pants - checked
  • underwear -how many pieces? - not checked
  • Onisuka shoes - checked
  • Puma shoes - checked
  • socks - not checked
  • slippers - not checked
  • Cap - checked
  • Shades and frames - checked
  • extra bag - not yet
  • Lappy - using now
  • converter plugs - not checked
  • passport checked
  • Yen - checked
  • Singapore Dollar - Not yet checked
  • credit cards - checked
  • itinery - not yet checked
  • Mr Charco - meeting him later
  • Tokyo guides - not yet

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

the chef that never cook

when can i taste the cooking... i wonder...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wham - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go

so retro! 1984... got to hear it on radio again

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pinkdot - 16 May

Preparing for the event

i was there at 230pm for the setup... haha... being early is depressing only like 30 ppl... as the time gets nearer to 430pm which is the projected forming time... we all are getting panicky... still not alot of people in sight..

the 'pinkdot' on hong lim park

at about 5pm... things are starting to get better and much more convincing...crowd starts to pour in... i guess everyone is busy looking for a pink shirt to wear or they are preparing faciful dress to support this event... at about 530pm, the whole field is packed with pink some with pink umbrellas, pink balloons, pink hats, pink pink and more pink stuff and anything u can find...

it was a success and the gathering of the crowd is huge enough to form a pink field instead of a pink dot... but well rules are rules.. we are there to form a pinkdot on this reddot island. all of us squeezed in at the count of 3... 1, 2, 3! releasing balloons opening umbrellas, waving high up for the aerial shot... nice...

Andre, James, myself (i look fucking shag), Shenzi

Pinkdot or Pinkdog?

My Charco bored

i found Mr Charco hiding at one corner while Mr Blinky is thrown off the bed somehow... dunno what happened.. haha.. got him a nice cap... nice?

Wolverine the movie - Nice or flop?

I have been hearing lotsa feedback from friends who watched Wolverine the movie... 90% says it sux... haha.. ihave one friend who got her hand on the pre-edited version of the movie which was allegedly released before the official .. you can even see all the wiring and the blue screen... but i guess too much marvel is not at all marvelous... even i think Wolverine is pretty upset from the feedback too... sharpen up ur claws Mr Project Weapon X

i found this model at Plaza Singapura, the top level... the whole strech is full of comic models... for all fanatics. you guys should go visit..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Post Mother's Day

it is so... mothers are the most self sacrificial species in the world...

today i decided to walk home from compass point instead of taking the usual bus... reading my japanese travel guide i recently bought.. (cant wait.. it is another week! yoohoo) listening to the musics i got from the ipod i borrowed... as i walked, something caught my eye... or rather i nearly step on them!

she is fierce... defending my approach to her... i have 2 cats at home too.. but i missed them when they were like the size of my palm.. took a few photos with my blackberry.

so cute rite.. theses kittens are drunk from their mummy's milk... haha

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Japanese Travel Guide

it took me awhile to decide on buying this... quite good though... it is like a summary of my Japanese Elementary notes... and with this, i am more willing to read it than have those loose sheets of notes which i often fumble thru them on trains when i am on my way to work...

i sux at Japanese.. but i am making a point to revise them... apart from preparing for my trip.. but also a point to take my retest... which i flung twice!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Make it work

You understand me
Lately thats enough for me
Looking for perfect
Surrounded by artificial
You're the closest thing to real i've seen
Sure, everyone has their problems
Thats a given
Yours are the easiest to tolerate
This wasn't what we was wanting
How we're living
But let's take this good enough and turn it to great
Baby i understand...

Sometimes i love you
More than you'll ever know
Other times you get on my nerves
That's just reality
No, it can't always be
Kisses, hugs, and beautiful words

You was looking for your love
What you found
Is a pauper with potential
And no, i'm nowhere near perfect..
But i'm around
time and patience is essential
Baby i realized...

Thick and thin,
The bad outweighs the good sometimes
That doesn't mean we're 'spose to give it up
My problems are yours,and yours are mine

Koinobori inspired Shoes

I was browsing thru the net for these Koinobori windsocks and i happened to find these Reebok shoes... haha would you wear them?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thanks bro

G says:
hows diner?
korean nice?

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
never go in the end
mum says tired

G says:
then u nvr ask me out for kopi
where u go eventually?

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
slept till 7
from the last msg

G says:
u also doing self isolation lor

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
think too tired
ya self isolation

G says:
u can sleep meh?

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
ya why not

G says:
or ur mind keep thinking
sometimes its good to stay home..
do something that u like..
maybe watch tv.. read a book..
cook something for uself..
many things u can do..

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
ya i think

G says:
when is the last time u bring ur cat to vet?
when is the last time u clean ur own room?
when is the last time u cook something nice for urself and mum?

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
i never bring my cat to vet one
they are all healthy
the oldest alr 10 yrs
clean my room
i dun have a room.
i share wif my bro
at home i seldom cook
i only bake

G says:
like tat bake lor..
i am trying to tell u there are many things u can do also..
u can go roller blade..

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
ya la

G says:
i think..
to me..
its not duno what to do that bothers u..
u wana noe what i think?
u cant find pple to spend time with u rather..
someone that u want to spend ur free time with..
is that "lack" of something..

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:

G says:
so it is not so much of what to do..
coz i am sure u can find many things to do..

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
even if i have .. it turn out bad

G says:
but u cant find pple to do with u..
why bad?
u jst need accompany..

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
i think i am lonely

G says:
u are not lonely lah
u jst cant find pple tat understsand u
to hang out..
evn when u are not lonely.. when u are with many pple partying..
i dun think that is really u also lor..
u can be with many pple..
but u are still lonely

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
haha u are like my cell

G says:
no leh.. coz i noe u as a person..

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
i guess that is how i feel lor

G says:
no need to guess lor..
like i say..
good frens..
a few will do
jst like when i go out..
i only will meet few pple

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
even if i am spending value time with that special someone it will still end up bad

G says:
and always jst one to one..
hmmmm why?
have u tried to jst not planning anything..
yet when u go out with someone..
u feel happy?
u jst need to find that type of company..

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
i always wanted to do that

G says:
why so difficult?

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
just taht even when i am seeing someone... i even find it hard to hold off a conversation

G says:
hmmmm but do u need to really try so hard..
if that person noes u well
u dun need to say anything..
jst be urself..
dun need to try so hard sometimes.

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
maybe our character is differ

G says:
hmm everybdy is diff
maybe u jst worry the other party will find u bored..
so u ended up so xin ku
u noe sometimes..
u jst need to be ur own natural self..
and when the person still likes u..
then that is the person ..
true friends.. likes u for who u are.. and not what u are..
similar.. true love also..
true loves understand u evn deeper
and able to blend into ur life..
u dun evn have to do extra work..
get it?

Okined - tml off.. dunno what to do says:
i guess thats the thing ba

阿超 - 好人






"我沒有殘忍的天份 ~~ 我不想只做個好人

Understanding 'Understanding'


Un`der*stand"ing\, n. 1. The act of one who understands a thing, in any sense of the verb; knowledge; discernment; comprehension; interpretation; explanation.

2. An agreement of opinion or feeling; adjustment of differences; harmony; anything mutually understood or agreed upon; as, to come to an understanding with another.

He hoped the loyalty of his subjects would concur with him in the preserving of a good understanding between him and his people. --Clarendon.

3. The power to understand; the intellectual faculty; the intelligence; the rational powers collectively conceived an designated; the higher capacities of the intellect; the power to distinguish truth from falsehood, and to adapt means to ends.

There is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the Almighty them understanding. --Job xxxii. 8.

The power of perception is that which we call the understanding. Perception, which we make the act of the understanding, is of three sorts:
1. The perception of ideas in our mind;
2. The perception of the signification of signs;
3. The perception of the connection or repugnancy, agreement or disagreement, that there is between any of our ideas. All these are attributed to the understanding, or perceptive power, though it be the two latter only that use allows us to say we understand. --Locke.

In its wider acceptation, understanding is the entire power of perceiving an conceiving, exclusive of the sensibility: the power of dealing with the impressions of sense, and composing them into wholes, according to a law of unity; and in its most comprehensive meaning it includes even simple apprehension. --Coleridge.

4. Specifically, the discursive faculty; the faculty of knowing by the medium or use of general conceptions or relations. In this sense it is contrasted with, and distinguished from, the reason.

I use the term understanding, not for the noetic faculty, intellect proper, or place of principles, but for the dianoetic or discursive faculty in its widest signification, for the faculty of relations or comparisons; and thus in the meaning in which "verstand" is now employed by the Germans. --Sir W. Hamilton.

Weekend could have been better

once again, yes the weekend could have been better...a better time spent for every precious moment...
working on a public holiday is bad enough... not spending enough time with loved ones is worse

heading into emotion depression

you must be wondering why when i am in a depressed mood and i still can come online to pen this down... i guess that is why... i have bottled up too much of my feelings and always.. my heart wrench when i think of it....

i jus feel that i cant even share my feelings to my closed ones... else... i cant even hold a complete conversation to share... i have so much to say... and every week i only have this short weekend... to work even on a public holiday... if they cant even understand... who else can? why am i being blamed for not planning proper for a simple night out... tot it would be a fun night... but it turned out not so... why cant i be the one to complain because i am tired...why do i always have to be the one to give in... when u are accused of something isnt storming away a method to show that you are angry... if not what is? will argue in the public solve the problem?

argh.. all this emotional blockage is stopping me from moving anywhere at all... i am so sad... i feel suffocated...what should i do.. i really need some slack... i do.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I ran 10km in 1hr...since 6 mths i ran... slow but shiok...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Did i just did something wrong?

i think i just did something very terrible today... was i being to busybody?
all i wanted was to have everything cleared up... i spoke to my boss...

i just cant take it anymore, the feeling of losing of another good colleague.. and i am with the company long enough to feel the pinch... from A****r, A**m, W****r, C****r, B****e, E***r... 6 of my colleagues all left within the span of my 4 years. now X

i noe too much to bottle up my feelings already.

i've decided to tell my boss on this , explaining to him on the situation now internally... i told him that history is going to repeat again something which he will not know of until it is too late... i cant handle another blow again... and i dun think i am able to handle the losing of another capable colleague and for him losing another talented employee...

after which i told X about it...

X flared... "my mind is made up, and i intend to go. regardless of what changes are made." " why do you have to drag me in?, how can i possibly trust you with anything i say to you anymore?"

is it that bad?... i could have just let it be... let it go... just let it happen when the day comes... but i couldnt... it is too hard for me.. to bottle it up and keep mum about it... the feeling of being helpless sux... big time.

now X wun even talk...

i noe i cant change a person's intention...i just thought that with my initiative, i could let my boss identify ths issue more quickly... let him understand what is going on and allow him to be able to change certain rules... to retain wateva is left within his grasp...

fingers crossed... i HOPE..

Understood that there is always an entrance and an exit in life... be it in a relationship, friendship, or any terms of unison... it will always happen... i couldnt help but keep thinking of it...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Look what i found! - Dooodolls!

The Twins
i like these as a pair but too girly

Blinky and Charco
Something I got :) irresistable cute
from the size difference, they resemble :)
got them at $15 each in KL Pavilion Tangs... heard it is available in SG also...

Monday, May 4, 2009

LOVE STORY (Taylor Swift) meets VIVA LA VIDA (Coldplay) - Piano Cello - by Jon Schmidt

What a question to end the night

The ratio of meat to vegetables is 1:5. A meat costs twice as much as a vegetable. Mrs. Lim collected $168 from the sale of all the sale. How much meat were there?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Love x Hate

Without you
One night alone is like a year without you baby
Do you have a heart of stone
Without you
Can't stop the hurt inside
When love and hate collide

I don't wanna fight no more, I don't know what we're fighting for
When we treat each other baby, like an act of war
I could tell a million lies and it would come as no surprise
When the truth is like a stranger, hits you right between the eyes

There's a time and a place and a reason
And I know we got a love to believe in
All I know we got to win this time