Monday, July 6, 2009

Thank you...

after all this emo emo things that are going thru my mind after a very 'bad fall' i decided to write something nice...

this is a thank you note to you... you played a big role in my life... and u were once a part in my heart.
Thank you for being there when i am down
  • Thank you for inviting me to the parties
  • Thank you for the laughter you have given me
  • Thank you for the nice places you have showed me
  • Thank you for the movies you have shared with me
  • Thank you for the comments you gave to my baking
  • Thank you for the fashion tips you gave me
  • Thank you for being a listening ear for all my woes
  • Thank you for the hugs and kisses
  • Thank you for being my light to light up my darkest hour
  • Thank you for the fun facial moment you did for me
  • Thank you for recommending the hair salon
  • Thank you for the color you gave to my hair
  • Thank you for throwing your tantrums to make me realise my mistake
  • Thank you for being such a sweetheart to me

there are too many to be listed here... jus to hightlight some of them

Thank you very much

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