Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Readers tell me!

Wokay.. it has come to a point that i am slowing down my blog entries... well not becos i have no content to write about but i was damn farking bz with sorting mylife...

yeah been trying to sort things out one at a time for now... as the endless seems endless yet again...

oh... yup i jus crossed my hurdle for my first quarter life... I'm 26 already.. officially 26yrs and 3 days as i write this entry...did my first house party... it was great fun and i thank those who attended... the planning part is one hell... thanks to Eva, james and Jonah fo the great help setting up (photos up soon)... well... looking back i have been working non-stop since young... trying to make ends meet and cover my school fees then... and now.. trying to find the next step to move on...

for the longest time i have been telling my friends that i would like to plan to further my studies in University... been years since i have said that... and those who i have spoke to with regards already gotten their Degree... am i too unwillingly to step out of my current comfort zone..? been thinkin about that alot... what should i do?...

right... enuff whining about me.... ha... anyway i know i have some following for my blog.. and yeah i have been a little disappointing since my last entry... haha sorry folks.... well.. tell me what you like to read and i will try my best to write... else it would be alot of me me and me ... haha

hear from you guys soon :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah ben,

ok i will register for u in SIM.
let me initiated here ok.
i went through this ya.
