Sunday, March 14, 2010

KAIJI the Movie - Must WATCH!!! (SPOILER ALERT!!!)

it has been awhile since a movie got me clinging on to the edge of my seat... and yeah... Kaiji is a recommended show to watch this month...

the story plot revolves around a group of 'losers' which is what they are called in the movie, they have no purpose in life and what they do is go by day to day without any goals... and worse, most of them are in heavy debts... However, the poor lead actor Kaiji Ito -(Tetsuya Fujiwara) is a lonely free guy working at a local convenient store. When loan sharks demand he pay an outrageous sum to make good on a friend’s debt that Kaiji co-signed years before, he is forced onto a cruise ship where people gamble for their lives. After losing, he must toil as a slave laborer in a mine.

the Movie version of the game in the ship
the manga version
this is a simple game of "Scissors, Paper and Stone"
still can't believe the simplest game can also be used fo life gamble

Kaiji risks all to escape by crossing aforementioned beam hundreds of feet up in the air. All this is done for the amusement of a monied elite who are behind the entire operation.
the movie version

the manga version

The tension between a downtrodden underclass and a privileged ruling class provides what would otherwise be a ridiculous film some interesting subtext.


the final game of The King, The Civilian and the Slave
(the King commands the Civilian, the Civilian bullies the Slave, the Slave backstab the King)
**you can play this game with Poker cards too :), The King, The Numbers and The Joker**

All in all, Kaiji is a thought-provoking work, even if the script is, ironically, totally commercial and alot of tears in the movie :)

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