Friday, September 17, 2010

Account got hacked... and retrieved... stupid Nigerian Hacker!

it was Red Alert last mth when i got a phone call at 7am on 21 Aug, Saturday morning..
i jumped out of bed... and was cursing and swearing at the back of my head cos i was having a very wonderful dream and it was shattered from the ringing of my phone... i F* remembered i shut my phone alarm off the night before....

it was from KW..
are u in Spain?!
what the hell man.. i am still in my dream land!
gosh.. i think ur email got hacked (such a nice chap aye?) :)
i jumped out of bed, check my Blackberry and .. it was true... my email got hacked... how i know? well.. i got this email asking me to change my password... and then my blackberry cant access my account already.. :(

what the helll.. a way to start my Saturday.. damn it

that explains why it took me a mth to start bloggin again... cos this account is linked to the hacked account... and worst.. linked to my facebook.. and my hotmail... and so the saga begins... all my account got hacked.. and i am offline for almost a month..

here's what happened

From: Ben Lee
Sent: Friday, 20 August 2010 16:45:56
Subject: Sad News Ben Lee

How are you doing ? Hope you slept well last nite ? I'm writing this with
tears in my eyes, my family and I came down here to Madrid Spain for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed. all cash, credit card and cell phone were stolen off from us, luckily for us we still have our passports with us. We've been to the Embassy and the Police here in Spain but they're not helping issues at all but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and we are being held to ransom by the hotel management because we cannot settle the hotel bills. It is clear we would not be allowed to leave until we settle the bill. Word cannot explain the anguish in my heart.i was wondering if you can loan me some Money to sort the bills i promise to pay back as soon as i get back home.

Ben Lee

On 20/08/2010, Andy Lee wrote:

TT's sad Ben ..
How do i x'fer the money to you ?

From: Ben Lee
To: Andy Lee

Glad you came on line it is me for real all i need is a quick loan of 1850 Euro to sort my bills and get a cab to the airport cos it's been clear that the hotel management won't let me leave until my bills are sorted out You can have it wired to my name through any western union outlet i promise to pay you back as soon as i get back home here is the information you need to send the money

Name..Ben Lee
Location..Calle de Alfredo 28034 Madrid Spain

As soon as you have it done, Kindly get back to me with the western union details. (MTCN) confirmation i owe you alot
Let me know if you are heading to the western union now??

Hanging here to read from you

Andy Lee wrote:

I've not done western union transfer before
Am i able to send via internet banking ?

From: Ben Lee
To: Andy Lee

You can't send it through internet All you need to do is look for any
western union outlet and send the money to my name and present location and get back to me with the mtcn confirmation number please let me know if you are heading to the western union outlet

From: james cashin
To: Andy Lee
Sent: Friday, 20 August 2010 21:30:24
Subject: Re: Sad News Ben Lee

Ok if you want to transfer it to account here is the information you need

IBAN ACCOUNT NUMBER ES60-2077-0017-7516-0318-2425
ACCOUNT NUMBER 2077-0017-7516-0318-2425

please after the transaction kindly scan the payment slipt and send it to me here so that i will be able to pick up the money with it here in spain.

bloody... thats all the conversation... my brother managed to get from teh hacker...
what happened next is that i started receiving phone calls and txts from my friends to check if it is genuine and some of them even offered to help... i am so glad these ppl are by my side... thanks so much... Edgar from  msia also called to check if i m ok... how sweet of them.... luckily it is not real... and i would not want to experience the exact thing mentioned in the scam email...

however, i am just afraid of the case on "the boy who cried wolf" why eventually ppl will not even step in to help even if it is a real deal.. i am so glad...

so glad now everything is over... and i am able to retrieve all my accounts back,.... well Microsoft is the fastest to respond to my SOS and then Facebook.... Google took them a month to return my cry for help... is it becos they have too many hacking cases or they are too lazy... hmm i wonder...

well... a note to all.. always update ur password every 2-3mths and also clear ur internet cache and do not share your password... do not access to password accounts on stranger's laptop or system,... not safe at all...

good luck.. :)

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