Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ups and Downs

it was a very busy 6mths to such that i do not even have the time to pen down my thoughts in my online diary... well i have changed job, took up studies and also readjust my finance... all these are sort of like draining my energy day by day...

at work.. my stubbornness is getting abit out of hand... it is so hard to readjust my working style to corporate life... any guidance out there?... well i am not complaining .. just need to learn how to grow out of my shell.. and to keep my comment to myself... i think the culture shift and to adjust is tougher than i thought... i need more time i guess... Ben! wake up! 

at school.. things are better... well sorta... results are not too bad.. well i think i can fair better... luckily i have a gang of hardworking course mates... each of us has our own strengths to pull each other thru the tide of juggling of work and study... thanks guys...

at home... well as much as i want to play my part financially... i will try to do so... occasional nagging and quarreling is inevitable.. but i try to contribute if i can.. well having to juggle work and studies is tough enough.. and with the added home pressure.. it is hard to swallow... but in any case.. home is the place where no trouble resides... and it is still the best place to soothe the weary body... warm food and surprises in the fridge...

i think a good pat on my shoulder and words of encouragement do help me to keep this spirit going.. Jia YOU!

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