Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bear with me

This is sucky, i went home wanting to book my trip online.. but got a very bad news from my bro.. "the comp is down" wtf! of so many days, why today!...

this marks the sudden halt to my blog... another part of my life.. i wonder.. what happens if everything in the whole world is placed on halt... chaos?


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Train Train Train!

i am officially undergoing a daily work out routine... my good friend volunteered to give me a hand to whip me back into shape...

it has been awhile since i placed myself under this kinda 'torture'... i dread carrying weights... and i prefer to run and swim more... cos i dun wan to bulk up you see... i jus want to do maintenance... but it is not working... haha.. the ratio of my maintenance to my consumption is 1:3 ... thus it is not as what i have planned...

anyway, this is the end of first week training and my whole body is aching like shit... hopefully i can fulfil my promise to him that i will pull myself thru this training... i cant give up now... i jus need this to boost up my self confidence and at the same time relieving the much hated stress..

well i only can say... time is the factor... determination is the winner...

Monday, July 14, 2008

I Want all These!

I have the following 'I Want' this year and i am most probably planning to get them by end of the year... hopefully...

I been wanting to get this since the launch of PSP... then to PSP Slim... then to this RED color... one of my fave color... with 8GB memory... more games and entertainment in this destructive machine :P the price is dropping already... it will be good to have this en route to my destination.... this is my top 'want' at this moment.

Nice right?! theses casio watches caught my eye when i was at Mustafa with my friends... damn classy classic feel with a litte touch of color style... equiped with digital seconds and digital date dial, high luminousity minute and hour hand, 2 amber LED lights that illuminate the face of the watch like lighting a lamp in a mirror room ... what else can i ask for...

Red is still my top choice and followed by green and yellow... damn cool

though i have many 'chiong watches' i hope to get my first metallic strap watch.

I read this article that this tool can kill a person faster than a person who smokes cigarette. this thing puffs out as much carbon monoxide as 15 to 52 cigarettes and as much tar as 27 to 102 cigarettes


It is not that i am not responsible for my own health but i jus feel that it is cool to have one at home and it can be placed as part of a decor in my room... a touch of Middle East...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My New Havaianas will be launching a limited edition flag TukyTuky series soon for Havaianas Lovers... it is a metal flag punched into the strap unlike the rubber type flags which are stuck on using glue...

I am one of the lucky few to own one first... be sure to keep a look out! they are really really nice...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Let's Zoom Out

Human beings are such small creatures, aren't they?

So don't be too calculative on everything, treasure every moment, do what you wish to do.... broaden your view, broaden your mind, don't worry too much about things that are bothering you, do treasure your life, live safely and peacefully, always be happy to welcome the coming of the new day.... enjoy the sunshine... always look at the brighter side of things...

Monday, July 7, 2008

I want one of these!

Ocean Pack 15 litres Dry Bag... i have been wanting to get one of these for the longest time... saw my friends holding them... they got it from Thailand... damn expensive in Singapore... luckily i too have managed to get a friend to get it for me from Thailand... :p

Friday, July 4, 2008

my current mood


Now you know why i like button bashing games

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My interview with NSman Magazine Jul/Aug 08

I have gotten this random call from SAFRA last month and they said they want to establish an interview session with me... got the approval frmo my company and... my first official interview... this is a mark of a new chapter of my life....enough said... read :P

starting to read

it has been a while since i pick up a book to read... remember the 'happy' friend in my last blog entry? ... yup the one with my X and Y colleagues... ya they start to talk about leading a happy life... and to build up one's confidence level... told me to read more books and recommended me some... but i kept pushing the topic away.. cos i dun really like to read books... unless u pass me comic books... i can read all day...

anyway, today i went to my dentist to get my teeth done and polished, on my way home...i happened to pass by the library.... i walked in.... went straight to the well-being section... and guess wat? these 4 books are stacked nicely side by side on the shelf... it was as if they are waiting for me to pick them up.. eerie... or maybe someone before me read all these books...

i flipped through them... and i loaned all without second thoughts...

hopefully.... i can become a better man