Tuesday, July 1, 2008

starting to read

it has been a while since i pick up a book to read... remember the 'happy' friend in my last blog entry? ... yup the one with my X and Y colleagues... ya they start to talk about leading a happy life... and to build up one's confidence level... told me to read more books and recommended me some... but i kept pushing the topic away.. cos i dun really like to read books... unless u pass me comic books... i can read all day...

anyway, today i went to my dentist to get my teeth done and polished, on my way home...i happened to pass by the library.... i walked in.... went straight to the well-being section... and guess wat? these 4 books are stacked nicely side by side on the shelf... it was as if they are waiting for me to pick them up.. eerie... or maybe someone before me read all these books...

i flipped through them... and i loaned all without second thoughts...

hopefully.... i can become a better man

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