Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 2 - silence no more! :)

I am so so so so so HAPPY today .... :) i got a call... a call i dun expect but somehow i know i will receive... it made my day... though i have problem with sleeping today slept at 6am... woke up late today for work yet again... :(

switched on my Laptop, made myself a cup of tea... as usual... clicked on the internet explorer... clicked on facebook, gmail, my coy's homepage and MSN... while they are all loading... my phone rang... i see the name... but i couldnt believe it... picked it up... hear the familiar voice... and a movie is set...i am so glad i received the phonecall... it made my day...

i wouldnt want to spend another terrible day like yesterday...

all is well already... thanks for all the people who cared...

love you all

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