Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Creativity - The Genius

To the Divine Genius in my life - Ole! to you

After watching this clip, i have this sort of weird emotional feeling that came to me all of a sudden, i sorta ask myself this 'what have i achieved in the first quarter of my life?' i tried listing all my achievements and pen them down... and i concluded one thing...- most of the achievements i have done in the past are done so for others... and not solely to myself...

is this the path that i want to take? to make people happy so that i will be happy? or should i just be selfish and just make myself happy first so that others can be happy for me?

i think i really need to relook in my goals... try to re-analyse the path laid out for me... or hasn't it been laid? i should really give a thought about it...

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