Sunday, November 30, 2008

World Aids Day Concert 2008 - LOVE AMPLIFIED SINGAPORE








THE DIVA (my winning shot)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Anyhow Bake again - Red Wine Blueberry Muffin

the mix of
1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla powder
2 eggs,
quarter slab of butter,
blueberry and blueberry sauce
red wine and strawberry milk

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


hey peeps... sorry for the MIA days since my last post... it was a very hectic month for me... also the month where i have to work harder for my bonus.. haha

i dread festive season for the longest time since i am in this line... i have to work doubly hard for the weekends and getting them burnt just to make sure sales pick up to cover thru the bad times... luckily all the team's efffort did not go to waste...

5 more days to the month of Xmas... = more panic buttons... lesser time to blog and surf net...

bear in there Ben ... the new year is coming and all shall be fine...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

my bake

the Sinful Choice - CHOCOLATES!

The Colourful icing

the dressings

the healthy choice

the Mixer

the secret recipe

melting process

the Mixture

the product

Walnut and CoCo Krunch




the Final Product - YeaH!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

P-Plate Drivers, Watch Out!

I See your P-plate, please use your brain! waste ppl's petrol.
Please park your car properly it is alot of inconvenience to drivers!!!

Haha, this incident happened to my friend when we were on a mahjong getogether... so funny!!.. how can she park her car on the side road when the lane is already cramped up?! so ended up alot of drivers have to u-turn as they cant pass the obstructed lanes,..

actually not her fault la... she parked there when there is no car... jus suay suay the owner of the house came back and parked parallel to her... so ended up becomes her fault... haha

and all she gets is this lousy notepad message!!! worse! the note pad is from NTU and the headline is : A Teacher's efforts will always be noted. haha how conicidental is that! ... go re-take your license haha

My Vodka Collection

my collection less Blakurrant

Disco, Rainbow, Masquerade, Bling Bling




Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life's Boring?

a conversation on MSN

Ben Lee says:
life so boring

D says:
hahaha why suddenly think life's boring

D says:
okay what

D says:
urs quite adventurous

Ben Lee says:

Ben Lee says:
i feel so suffocated

D says:
work, life?

D says:
i read a book once

Ben Lee says:
no work life balance..

D says:
the alchemist

D says:
there's a quote

Ben Lee says:
oh damn i read 1/4 of that

D says:
oh it's good!

D says:
the quote's good

D says:
it goes something like

Ben Lee says:
but i din complete it cos i lend a friend and i forgot who

D says:
because i don't live in my past, or my future, only the present. and if you can focus only on that, i'll be a happy me. you'll see that there is life in the desert, and stars in the heaven, and tribesman fight because they are part of the human race. life will be a party for you, a grand festival.

D says:
because life is the moment we're living in right now.

Ben Lee says:
wa cheeem

D says:

D says:
basically saying life may seem sucky but it's actually good if you see it simpler

D says:
like paris and nicole

D says:
the simple life

D says:

Ben Lee says:

kudos to Paris and Nicole :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the Comma can make so much different

An Email from a friend

it is in the middle of the night at 4am... i received this encouraging and meaningful email from a friend....

"Halooo, how's your day? just got awake by my beloved XX...n hv to continue by counting the sheeps...aihhh...wat a night???!!!

Then, juz call to mind that i hv something to to start huh???I overheard someone saying that u look gloomy the whole day... everything ok? How's your headache, getting better?

U know wat, after the chat, i realize that you are annoying with some is not a easy thing to decide where one wants to go in life. But from your reflection it seems like you are afraid of misjudgement, perhaps i m wrong...But Ben, a person is nothing but a piece of lifeless machine if we allow ourselves to be dominted by the rules in life and work without a passion. We see the world through our eyes n it's up to us to interpret what we see. We can see a failure as an experience or see it as a lost battle itself. So we should appreciate n make the best use of the freedom that life itself had bestowed onto us. The freedom to allow our brains to wander and explore fantasies and posibilities.

A thing is only impossible if u deem it so. Nothing practically is unachiveable. So, let us decide wat kind of life we want to live in. Take each day as it comes with enthuism and believe. The big world out there is yours to explore, take that passion with you n make the world your playground!By the way, b frankly...i thought u hv worked so hard all this time (BUT, dun let this get your head big. Hehehe...).

So...Ben...dun get so work up...there's bound to be tensions and conflicts when workload and stress gets too demanding, but do think of your health plsss (especially mentality) a nice and good-natured guy mah...Anyway, with all seriousness, i m here if you need a listening ear. Just let me know whenever u feel like chatting or venting, ok?!

Oya, another important message. Pls mind your words when u grumble, especially during the chat with XXfrens...nothing...juz to avoid making any slip of the tongue. PLS bear this firmly in mind!

OK!Aiyo, it's 4am now, better drink some milk n continue my counting... Tk gd care of yourself ya... "


how true and touching....... Ben


my new found girlfriend Gorysha

my order with fate
hell service
wats up zombie
hell restaurant
cabaret dance of death
Mario and Lugi in hell


my prize winning and the gore
killer spree

me and the death bride

my first victim

Joker and Me

Me and Super grapes