Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life's Boring?

a conversation on MSN

Ben Lee says:
life so boring

D says:
hahaha why suddenly think life's boring

D says:
okay what

D says:
urs quite adventurous

Ben Lee says:

Ben Lee says:
i feel so suffocated

D says:
work, life?

D says:
i read a book once

Ben Lee says:
no work life balance..

D says:
the alchemist

D says:
there's a quote

Ben Lee says:
oh damn i read 1/4 of that

D says:
oh it's good!

D says:
the quote's good

D says:
it goes something like

Ben Lee says:
but i din complete it cos i lend a friend and i forgot who

D says:
because i don't live in my past, or my future, only the present. and if you can focus only on that, i'll be a happy me. you'll see that there is life in the desert, and stars in the heaven, and tribesman fight because they are part of the human race. life will be a party for you, a grand festival.

D says:
because life is the moment we're living in right now.

Ben Lee says:
wa cheeem

D says:

D says:
basically saying life may seem sucky but it's actually good if you see it simpler

D says:
like paris and nicole

D says:
the simple life

D says:

Ben Lee says:

kudos to Paris and Nicole :)

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