Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Email from a friend

it is in the middle of the night at 4am... i received this encouraging and meaningful email from a friend....

"Halooo, how's your day? just got awake by my beloved XX...n hv to continue by counting the sheeps...aihhh...wat a night???!!!

Then, juz call to mind that i hv something to to start huh???I overheard someone saying that u look gloomy the whole day... everything ok? How's your headache, getting better?

U know wat, after the chat, i realize that you are annoying with some is not a easy thing to decide where one wants to go in life. But from your reflection it seems like you are afraid of misjudgement, perhaps i m wrong...But Ben, a person is nothing but a piece of lifeless machine if we allow ourselves to be dominted by the rules in life and work without a passion. We see the world through our eyes n it's up to us to interpret what we see. We can see a failure as an experience or see it as a lost battle itself. So we should appreciate n make the best use of the freedom that life itself had bestowed onto us. The freedom to allow our brains to wander and explore fantasies and posibilities.

A thing is only impossible if u deem it so. Nothing practically is unachiveable. So, let us decide wat kind of life we want to live in. Take each day as it comes with enthuism and believe. The big world out there is yours to explore, take that passion with you n make the world your playground!By the way, b frankly...i thought u hv worked so hard all this time (BUT, dun let this get your head big. Hehehe...).

So...Ben...dun get so work up...there's bound to be tensions and conflicts when workload and stress gets too demanding, but do think of your health plsss (especially mentality) a nice and good-natured guy mah...Anyway, with all seriousness, i m here if you need a listening ear. Just let me know whenever u feel like chatting or venting, ok?!

Oya, another important message. Pls mind your words when u grumble, especially during the chat with XXfrens...nothing...juz to avoid making any slip of the tongue. PLS bear this firmly in mind!

OK!Aiyo, it's 4am now, better drink some milk n continue my counting... Tk gd care of yourself ya... "


how true and touching....... Ben

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