Tuesday, November 11, 2008

P-Plate Drivers, Watch Out!

I See your P-plate, please use your brain! waste ppl's petrol.
Please park your car properly it is alot of inconvenience to drivers!!!

Haha, this incident happened to my friend when we were on a mahjong getogether... so funny!!.. how can she park her car on the side road when the lane is already cramped up?! so ended up alot of drivers have to u-turn as they cant pass the obstructed lanes,..

actually not her fault la... she parked there when there is no car... jus suay suay the owner of the house came back and parked parallel to her... so ended up becomes her fault... haha

and all she gets is this lousy notepad message!!! worse! the note pad is from NTU and the headline is : A Teacher's efforts will always be noted. haha how conicidental is that! ... go re-take your license haha

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