Monday, April 6, 2009

'Funeral' at a different angle of speech... "Beautifully imperfect"

"Funeral" is a new TV commerical launched by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) which looks at relationships in a different light, through a woman at her husbands funeral. Ultimately, the TVC celebrates the beautiful imperfections that make a relationship perfect. This is fresh off MCYS latest Viewers Choice 2008 win for last years Family TVC which promotes the importance and value of family bonding.

I was watching TV last night, and this ad caught my attention... initially i thought it was a new local TV series.. but i was wrong... it was a 3mins ad...

what made it so meaningful was the angle of the speech the wife of the late husband gave... "I want to say something that will make some of you feel uncomfortable" " I want to talk about what happened in bed."... it started off with what it seems like a mocking statement for her husband... watch on ... *Snores* ... "the signs of the loved one ... alive"

"in the end, it's these small things that you would remember, the little imperfection... that makes him perfect" ...

sometimes in life, we always look at things at a superficial manner, we always discreminate people, never even think of how the person is like until all is lost...

so look at things differently, embrace and treasure the people around you, they might even create an impact for you and make you move up another notch..

For those people with imperfections, you are all "Beautifully imperfect"

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