Thursday, April 29, 2010

My results for my 6 Bridging Modules @ Kaplan

After nearly 7 years of hiatus from studies, i finally embarked on an education journey. Graduated from Ngee Ann Poly as an engineer gave me the wonderful skill of an analyst, mindful on small details... but i never wanted to be an engineer... i find that it is a boring career though it pays well..

i moved on... decided to cross train and was given the opportunity to, as a Brand Marketing Strategist at 5 years on working...and with the ever demanding need for a qualification in the working world.. i am forced to get that piece of paper... and yeah.. i got my bridging modules results just nice on my last day with

Dear Ben

Your result for the bridging modules

Please see below for your result:

Principle of Management – A
Business Accounting – B+
Business Statistic – B+
Tourism System – B+
Business Law – B
Marketing Management – C+

well, i realised, recently i am quite proficient with theories and such.. probably with all those on the job trainings...but i am losing to the mulitple choice-typed exam... too much choices also confusing yeah, Marketing Management gave me 40 MCQs and each @ 2marks each.. and 2 theory qns @ 10marks each... well i am pretty sure i scored well on the theory questions... :)

the 'C' is ugly.. but i am determined to erase tat from my future papers.. only As and Bs :) Kambatei neh!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Alice for the Apple iPad

Alright i am totally convince iPad is the next saviour for mankind... this will totally save all the trees and cut down on paper wastage... everything in future will be paperless starting from schools... all people need to do is just download all the document and write/read/edit from their iPad...

well, in the first place, this idea is not new to us. we have all the touch screens order menu in restaurants, desktop touchscreen monitor.. interactive window displays in all our favourite fashion boutiques... all these was around for many years ago... it is a matter of who gets into innovation and create it into a friendly user interface and gadget for the tech savvy lifestyle everyone is living in now...

i totally have to give Apple the thumbs up for integrating all their own user interface and OS into all their devices.. i can say that this really creates less hassle for file transfer and ease the trouble to keep learning how to use a new device interface...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

May Day - Beginning of a New Journey

"The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings." ~Dave Weinbaum

Finally i have made the ultimate decision to leave my current job... well i guess it has been a very fruitful and exciting 5 years with the company.

started young and unknown of the market situation, i am armed with no knowledge or watsoever to work for a fashion brand in the marketing field. being a engineering diploma graduate... i can say i am really proud of myself to come this far...

the journey is really tough and the contributions i have made is commendable (i hope)... people i have met added colours to my life... from being partners, to friends, to BFF... so much has changed for my life thru this stage...

i did gave in very long thought for this decision... i think i need to explore further while i am still young... at 27 this year.. i have only experience from this company and i have yet to see a bigger picture in a corporate world... i do like the casual environment in this small family... but i think, how big a percentage of company lead this kind of casual environment? if i dun get out, i will get too comfy and it will be even harder for me to move on to a bigger company and adapt... i would want to have a mix of experience before i hit 30... at least i can be much more worth in experience and network.

being in this company did gave me a sense of independance and of course i can get to be much more organised and  systematic... but sometimes there are still restrictions to things i can do... the limitation of budget and manpower do sometimes hinder my marketing plans... to the extend that i will have to repeat and modify a certain project template which can be executed within my means... well i have been there and done those... :) but i hope that i can travel fair enough for the exposure...

the next journey, my new beginning, is still uncertain for me... alot of grey areas and alot of trial and error...

sometimes i wonder, if the grass is really greener on the other side...

wish me luck :)

Being Singaporean

somehow or rather, i feel that being a Singaporean gives me a mixed sense of belonging... i do wonder how Unique the country is heading towards being Uniquely Singapore.

Singapore - noted for being a 'Fine' city by many tourist, has indeed placed herself to be more than a red dot on the world map. Signages of fines are seen almost everywhere, from eating place, public areas, public transport and even the toilets. so much so that we are listed as one of the clean and green country cos all the residents are too scared of being fined.

we always pride ourselves for being such a stronghold for a small country... having a strong security (well other than the Mas Selamat case where he escaped from a toilet), financially stable... with money falling from the sky (or rather, money being sucked out from us to the sky, ERP system) we have even added to our portfolio, Universal Studios @ Resort World Sentosa with casino and one more up and coming Marina Bay Sands Integrated Resort... so many things to do and go for, but however, Singaporeans have to pay an entry fee of $100 to enter the casinos whereas Tourist enter for free (where is the privilege of being a Singaporean?) we have to pay pay pay so much for those entertainment, even for Universal Studio, they should have a rate for Singaporeans..! the country really survived from the money of Singaporean. look at Singapore in another perspective... we are like a huge company with the residents as workers and all the money earned are spent back to the company... the country is highly dependent on Singaporeans for survival...

another unique character of Sinagpore is being Kiasu... meaning scared to lose out in anything... recently with the new addition of the Circle line to our already massive public transport, it somehow created alot of buzz too. the young boy who got this interest to 'chase' trains for being the first passenger..., spending our tax money to engage Taiwan female pop group SHE to grace the opening ceremony jus to make it BIG...
i also got the speculated news of the plan for our coloured train lines..

i already think that the messy train lines in Tokyo is already frustrating enough,... tell me about this project they are planning for Singapore by year 2020! good god... i can somehow say, this massive project is a combination of being Kiasu, spending our tax money and drawing money back into their pocket plan...

That Uniqely Sinagpore for you...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's KICK some ASS!!! (Spoiler Alert!)

i had a good time watching this movie... and Hell did i not noe this was a M18 film!!!... i tot for the longest time that this is yet another cheesey film for the kids... hahah... and yeah... it is definitely not...

in fact, when my friends wanted to watch this movie... i was a little skeptical... and i hope it is not another superhero movie spoof look-a-like... but yar.. i was hit into suspense towards the mids of the movie.. :)

introducing, Red Mist (the villian), Kick Ass, Hit Girl (love her), and Big Daddy

this movie added a little humour and alot of funny scenes of Kick Ass being Kicked Ass.. and ya also a little bit of how the hero get the maiden and how the hero gets stranded in a situation where he needs the help of other, also getting framed by another 'superhero' (red mist).. and ya.. sometimes being geeky and being small in frame doesnt mean easily bullied...

this is Kick Ass and i'm not gonna be standing around here! Hiyak!

Hit Girl (Mindy)
i totally love her thruout the whole movie!!! she totally turned the whole movie to the suspense!.. she is bloody and eager for more bloodshed.. and ya she is only 11yrs old, she kick ass and she is the ultimate killing machine in the movie..

Totally recommended movie for all :)

So yeah, dint see that dint ya?
alright, we are superheroes, Love Us :)

ps. sometimes i wonder for this movie that is rated M18.. they also have young actress who is belog 18 yrs... i wonder how much she is affected psychologically while filming this film... :p 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the model from Beluga ad has 'Small Wiener'

saw this on an ad in Men's Folio magazine... haa the photographer made such a mistake... :p

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


“I appreciate all of the attention I get in my career. I am a loner and live a rather secluded life so sometimes I do get overwhelmed, but I am always very appreciative of everything, and honored.”

~Kim Elizabeth quotes

spotted this lizard on a school fence while making my way to work... so decided to take a photoshot... i took a while to observe... and i tot it was dead... however in seconds it sprung into action... the long sticky tongue shot out of  what it seems to be a small harmless amphibian mouth and it caught its prey...

it kinda struck me to wonder... being a singular do allow one to achieve great things in life... but or rather... be focus and it will be done likewise...

well this entry is quite random... :)

Moving on...

“We made a lot of progress. But it was time to move on and let someone else pick up where I left off.” ~ John Pavlik quotes

have put in alot of thoughts on this... and yeah... i have decided to move on... where will i land at next is still a mystery for me... just hope that i can find a decent one soon...

it have been a long 5 years journey for me... the commitment i have contributed and the youth i have spent...

i kinda realised that life is too short to settle on one things at a time... to move on to a fresh era.. i decided not to hold on here any longer and i really need to find something else can can interest me and keep me going further... and get out of my comfort zone..

I like taking risks and challenges... there are many times in my life where they are smooth sailing and i can safely say that i am blessed somehow where many decisions and opportunities just came knocking at my door...

alot of ppl asked me why so sudden? why this juncture?... but i know i have this decision sometime back..

i guess it is time to create a turning point in my life...

All's well.. wish me luck in my future endeavor

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Result for Business Law :) yeah!

Dear Ben

Your result for the bridging module – Business Law has been released.

Please see below for your result:

Business Law – B

Mood: Contended