Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's KICK some ASS!!! (Spoiler Alert!)

i had a good time watching this movie... and Hell did i not noe this was a M18 film!!!... i tot for the longest time that this is yet another cheesey film for the kids... hahah... and yeah... it is definitely not...

in fact, when my friends wanted to watch this movie... i was a little skeptical... and i hope it is not another superhero movie spoof look-a-like... but yar.. i was hit into suspense towards the mids of the movie.. :)

introducing, Red Mist (the villian), Kick Ass, Hit Girl (love her), and Big Daddy

this movie added a little humour and alot of funny scenes of Kick Ass being Kicked Ass.. and ya also a little bit of how the hero get the maiden and how the hero gets stranded in a situation where he needs the help of other, also getting framed by another 'superhero' (red mist).. and ya.. sometimes being geeky and being small in frame doesnt mean easily bullied...

this is Kick Ass and i'm not gonna be standing around here! Hiyak!

Hit Girl (Mindy)
i totally love her thruout the whole movie!!! she totally turned the whole movie to the suspense!.. she is bloody and eager for more bloodshed.. and ya she is only 11yrs old, she kick ass and she is the ultimate killing machine in the movie..

Totally recommended movie for all :)

So yeah, dint see that dint ya?
alright, we are superheroes, Love Us :)

ps. sometimes i wonder for this movie that is rated M18.. they also have young actress who is belog 18 yrs... i wonder how much she is affected psychologically while filming this film... :p 

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