Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Moving on...

“We made a lot of progress. But it was time to move on and let someone else pick up where I left off.” ~ John Pavlik quotes

have put in alot of thoughts on this... and yeah... i have decided to move on... where will i land at next is still a mystery for me... just hope that i can find a decent one soon...

it have been a long 5 years journey for me... the commitment i have contributed and the youth i have spent...

i kinda realised that life is too short to settle on one things at a time... to move on to a fresh era.. i decided not to hold on here any longer and i really need to find something else can can interest me and keep me going further... and get out of my comfort zone..

I like taking risks and challenges... there are many times in my life where they are smooth sailing and i can safely say that i am blessed somehow where many decisions and opportunities just came knocking at my door...

alot of ppl asked me why so sudden? why this juncture?... but i know i have this decision sometime back..

i guess it is time to create a turning point in my life...

All's well.. wish me luck in my future endeavor

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