Saturday, November 14, 2009

The BAG that followed me for 14years

This was given to me by my Dad for my first camping experience... it was a Bday gift from my Dad when i was Secondary 1 - 12 years old. i vividly remembers this was bought at Beach Road Army market... this bag looks very big then which almost can cover the whole of my waist and upper torso. kinda like this bumble bee colour combination then... haha dunno why too

well this bag is damn tough and still in good conditions after all these years of countless camps i went... holiday i brought these along with me too. i must say, i have kinda grown attached to this bag as it brings bag fond memories... from my first NCC camp to my Army camp in tekong... surprisingly i am still using it.. till date.. other than some small tear... everything else is still in good condition.

oh these is the Deuter Cree collection... well as you can see.. the logo is almost gone and the 'C' of Cree just disappeared... well, one tough bag you are... can imagine the tough times it went thru with me. :)
there is also one thing i forgotten to do when i first received this present...
THANKS DAD!!! i don't think you remember this bag but i will always treasure it and take good care of it as i promised then... :)

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