Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloweenie 2009

as per last year, i did the horror movies inspired getup. last year i did as Jason from Friday the Thirteen, this time round i did as a zombie from MJ's Triller... ha

yup that is me alright at the bottom right... and hell ya it was a blast!... did not take much pictures this year though, probably cos we are all tired from preparing this 2 hr getup and non of us is willing to take out our camera

yes this is my latest getup for 2009... zombie!!! as per compared to last year... this is definitely much more horrific. :p so proud

and who is the artist behind most of these getup? yes... me haha...
Saimun came later in the evening cos he jus touch down for his trip to KL... well it was no problemo for us to get him ready... with 4 person to help him... his costume took only about 15mins to settle.

Wala... a zombiefied Saimun... infested by all of us... and yesh... we tore his Esprit Tee into junk.. haha like in movies... zombie infesting human

well not forgetting MJ.. our poor Kenneth who is suppose to be our Zombie group got saboed by me... haha.. what to do.. his zombie getup looks so much like MJ... thus we decided to transform him to 'Ghost' and here you go.. MJ alive!

Resident evil returns- well all is a good nite.. we moved from Zouk to Butter and to Zirca... din manage to go in to butter though... but managed to gate crash Zirca all thanks to Yifang.. well forgot to take a pic with her... she was supposedly the girl Octopus... haha scary though... 3 nails went thru her head... hah
mood: happy

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