Tuesday, November 3, 2009

horrific week

it was a very tiring week for me ,last, almost the same routine, 9am till (everyday ends different timing)....well not really a bad one though the late nights... had alot of meetings with our partners to plan for the evening event last Sunday, i am proud of myself everytime i complete one of such project, reason not being that i completed it, but because i used the most minimal cost to do event of such.. 2 thumbs up for myself

lately, i have been feeling very down... i am no longer interested with my work for some reasons i do not know... probably becos i have witness too many come and go colleagues and or perhaps the work is getting abit flat... there is only so much i can do in this company, i do see the company growing, but my role in the company stays the same, yes, i still make minor mistakes but i just feel that i deserve something better rather than having a good pay... i wan to do more roles as far as work is concerned... been talking to friends around me too about my work and stuff.. everyone told me to move on... i heard... but where to?

i am agressively going around for job hunt but non interest me at the moment, sent out resume to a couple of job agency and to no avail... guess i am stucked in this job at this juncture.. BUT I NEED TO FIND A REMEDY QUICK!!! i am getting restless and getting tired as the day goes by... can you imagine? my new colleague/partner is already starting to feel the strain on his personal life when he is like not even a year in this job.... what about me? who endured for 4 years... sigh...

met F and J yesterday and today... and they are really concerned about me... Thanks guys!
J said that i looked haggard and worned out day after day... well i guess it has to be the late nights and those sleepless night... anyway, we chatted, and the discussion about me seems neverending, i tried a few times to change the topic... but we always ended up talking about me and my work and my restless nights... haha... well i really gave a deep thought into their suggestions... i more or less am determined to go apply for a course to study... and find a part time job... in fact i did find a course to study in Kaplan... before really deciding.. i will go do more research on it... wish me luck

1 comment:

cherish said...

why do i feel that my life's starting to be like yours? >.<

cheer up, i believe after all that you've been through, it'll be much easier for you in future because you've seen so much during the past few years. (:

arghhh...my turn to think about my future. sigh*