Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 - A Year of Sadness

to think having recession is bad enough for everyone... i have closed ones taken away from me...
got this tragic news today... another of my 'brother' passed away... yes again... after Augustine... now is Xue Yao...

i am trying not to get too emotional today.. but i couldnt, a tear still rolled down my cheek...

life is too fragile to be taking too lightly on it... we are not tough afterall... everything can just be taken away from you blatantly...

images of me working with Xue Yue on days when the Management have to be in the shops... the jokes we shared and the life goals.. you spoke to me about... your studies... your work... your unhappiness... everything are flashing back to me as i am typing this..

i will pay you my last respect o you my lil. brother...

a tribute to my 2 brothers.. May you find peace in the other world... look after all of us from above... you will be missed...

 Cheerful Small nice & friendly aka the Haley J Osment lookalike
Tan Xue Yao - March 3rd 1988 - January 2nd 2010 (age 21)
NUMPremium (账柜)

Augustine T. - Aug 18th 1988 - Nov 15th 2009 (age 21).
NFF (flipflops Rocker)

on a side note... Hadi... please GET WELL SOON!!! I STILL WANT TO SEE YOU AND JOKE WITH YOU!!!

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