Saturday, January 2, 2010

Heart Wrenching New Year - paying my last respect... Good Bye Xue Yao

i went to Xue Yao's wake today... i got a msg from Bernard Sim, he represented Ying to come down to pay the last respect... Ying is in Shanghai for work.... i promised Ying too that i will give her a call when i reached so that i can put her on speaker phone and that her words can reach Xue Yao even from a distance... everything was ok until i walked towards the coffin... i quickly dial Ying's number and put her on speaker... i too couldnt control my emotional self... i broke down... i teared and the feeling was heart wrenching... i lost another brother...

Brother, as i am reading your Facebook i came across your message

Initially I have no hopes, no fears & nothing to lose.. Now I got my hopes, my fears & too much to lose..!! Whu does not wish to have hopes..=) Everybody hopes for somthing..

you left us too early... and i am sure there are people out there to help you accomplish your hopes and dreams...

my condolences to the Tan's... life still have to go on... please stay strong and i am sure he will watch over all of us from above.. keeping us safe...

i am starting to miss your laughter... your jokes... even right now as i am writing this... the image of you lingers in my mind... take care.. my lil brother... our path will cross again next time i promised.. i will drink with you.

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