Friday, January 15, 2010


Finally!!!! after many coaxing and encourements... i have decided to pick up the 'sword' i have left in my cupboard for 5 years and head on to a 'battle' with the textbooks and notes....

yeah... i have decided to jump course ... i was a grad in Electronic Telecomm Engr in Ngee Ann Poly... but now i am more or less firmed in my selection of my degree course of study... i will be taking Double Major in Hospitality, Tourism Marketing Management in May... Murdoch Uni at Kaplan Campus..

however, prior to that i'll need to take 6 bridging modules...

can you imagine.. 6 x 20hrs of gruelling crash course for the span of 3 mths.... each paper with an exam..

gosh... okok i am studying for my first paper as i am typing this.. off to my books...

wish me luck

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