Saturday, January 23, 2010

McControversial - Di Mana Babi? - lucky charm not lucky at all...

Recently, our favourite fast food restaurant, McDonald, launched a very cutesy range of collectibles for their fans and also for avid collectors like me. Yup, the DORAEMON Lucky Charms.

How this promotion works is at such that you can buy the Doraemon plush with any purchase... yes, even jus buy the applepie at $1, you can get these lucky charms at $2 each... (you can buy as many pieces you like, no limitation)... and of course, for collectors like me, we will try to collect them all... but the catch is that, they only release 3 designs per week, so it will take a full 4 weeks to complete the collection. (please note, McDonald is not responsible for the increase in your weight during the course of collecting this series) :p

a closer look at the lucky charms

the concept of the charms is a representation of each of the Chinese Zodiac Signs (namely, Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Chicken, Dog, Boar) however, to my dismay was that, they removed Boar from the series and replaced it with the HEART... i was disheartened, GET IT?! prolly because i am born in the year of Boar myself and they dont have that Zodiac sign! argh... gave me second thought to get it as my collection. but what the hell!

There have been alot of discussion on this issue online, in publication and even in blog.. (yes including mine)
the main thing is that, McDonald, apparently is trying to protect the Malay locals' interest by removing the pig and being a Halal Restaurant Chain it is even more of a reason to not make the Boar in the complete Zodiac collection. SO some 'clever' Marketing guy in McDonald decided to remove the Boar and replaced it with the Heart... such that hoping they will not offend the Malay locals... and then giving Heart to appease them... well not bad an idea though since Valentine's Day is round the corner..

this is the Boar version - go poll to bring it on sale @
below is an article taken off from Straits Times that McDonald realised this decision of theirs (the replacement) not only it did not make the situation better, it made it to the hot topic of discussion in 2010

WE'RE SORRY AND WE'RE GRATEFUL (abit contradicting rite?) 

We could never have anticipated how passionate Singapore is about our Doraemon lucky charms. A happy community is important to us, and it was never our intention to offend anyone.

Therefore we are grateful for your feedback. This, we believe, is the backbone of McDonald's™ relationship with you. You tell us, we listen.

We are doing our best to make things right. And as you have requested, we will bring in the Doraemon 'pig' lucky charm to complete your collection in mid-April owing to production schedule.

Just a small favour: Please indicate* below your interest to purchase Doraemon 'pig' lucky charm at $2 each (all nett proceeds will go to the Ronald McDonald Children's Charity™). We really want to make sure there are enough stocks to meet your needs.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support of McDonald's™.

* Do note this poll is for McDonald's™ to gather an indicative order quantity and is not an order reservation

COMEON MAN!!? want to appease the situation but yet not willing to spend to make the same number of quantity as per the other Zodiac Signs..
Anyway, though with this polling decision, i am still not agreeable to the initial dumb decision to think too much about the Boar.. in the first place right, if they want to have this promotion on the zodiac signs, they should have thought about it even before they launch. why now? i guess the thought process could have been more thorough..

oh ya, i happened to get my hand on this pic of the other Doraemon set in other region of the world... WTF rite... it looks bloody much more nicer than the Singapore version.... talking about Uniquely Singapore.

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