Thursday, April 29, 2010

My results for my 6 Bridging Modules @ Kaplan

After nearly 7 years of hiatus from studies, i finally embarked on an education journey. Graduated from Ngee Ann Poly as an engineer gave me the wonderful skill of an analyst, mindful on small details... but i never wanted to be an engineer... i find that it is a boring career though it pays well..

i moved on... decided to cross train and was given the opportunity to, as a Brand Marketing Strategist at 5 years on working...and with the ever demanding need for a qualification in the working world.. i am forced to get that piece of paper... and yeah.. i got my bridging modules results just nice on my last day with

Dear Ben

Your result for the bridging modules

Please see below for your result:

Principle of Management – A
Business Accounting – B+
Business Statistic – B+
Tourism System – B+
Business Law – B
Marketing Management – C+

well, i realised, recently i am quite proficient with theories and such.. probably with all those on the job trainings...but i am losing to the mulitple choice-typed exam... too much choices also confusing yeah, Marketing Management gave me 40 MCQs and each @ 2marks each.. and 2 theory qns @ 10marks each... well i am pretty sure i scored well on the theory questions... :)

the 'C' is ugly.. but i am determined to erase tat from my future papers.. only As and Bs :) Kambatei neh!


Paklung Tony said...

haha... better than I, I am happy to sometimes not have an C, but my grades are always between B and C... hu2

Beniko said...

Tony, not too bad too... as long as you did you best... diff ppl has diff learning style... never give up too easily :)

Anonymous said...

not so bad at least... phew no "D" :)
