Monday, June 30, 2008

My Jackets - how each of them means to me

adidas original sports series 2006

this jacket was my first over the hundred birthday present... i got it by surprise 2 yrs back... i wil try this jacket whenever i pass by an adidas boutique ... my friends noticed it and already planning to get one for me for my 23rd bday...

i wear this if i am in the mood for sports... if i go swim or go gym...

adidas olympic series 2008

i got this jacket when i was pretty down with my mood... i got this sudden urge to spurge my money somewhere... then again .. i was at adidas shop ... i chance upon this jacket.... i like red.. especially if it goes with white... not because i am a Singaporean but i jus lurve this combi... i ended up walking out of the shop with a purchase

i will wear this when i am in the mood for fashion or shopping

Tiger Onizuka Limited Edt series 2007 (front)

Tiger Onizuka Limited Edt series 2007 (back)

shadow tiger sewing technique... cool stuff!!!

i bought this jus today!!!,... i saw this a month back at city hall.. it was selling at $240 lo... damn eex la.. ... but today it was on a 50% sale... got it at $120.. i am spending the GST rebate money btw.. hurhur.. came jus in time... i really fell in love when i saw this last month... they got this tiger embroidery which you only can see under lightings ... something like 3M thingy.. not so loud...

i told the staff there.. if the next time i come back if i still see this.. i will buy .... and guess wat they rememeber that... and today they saw me goin into the shop and staight away point me to the jacket... haha wat to do.. a promise is a promise.. i bought it without second word

i will wear this when i am in the mood for anything goes and partying

Friday, June 27, 2008

Enjoy being alone

With a full glass and an empty heart,

I search for something to occupy my mind

as i was heading to work today... a feeling suddenly struck me... a feeling of lonliness... dunno why... jus a feeling like an empty shell.

it was quite sometime back since i was last attached... very long in fact.. abt 5 yrs ago...

everyday on my way to work i will see happy young couples in the train, the bus, or even in shopping centres...some even younger than me... i am 25 by the way... i wonder... are they really that happy? or is it just a moment of act... to pretend at the sight of each other... or jus what they called... puppy love...

i have a few of my friends who got heartbroken recently jus because of simple reason like "immaturity". they say age comes with wisdom or maturity... but are they ready to embrace each other long enuff to reach that stage?

it can be rather irritating when at 25yrs old... all the ppl around will start to question abt your love life.. "are you attached?" "why are you not attached?" worse still... "are you gay?"

yeah i am a 'gay' bachelor... happy = gay.. no?

earlier, i was hangin out with my colleagues... 2 of them .. and a happy friend.. it was all too coincidental when the topic of discussion was "Ben, which type of girl do you like?"

happy friend: "ben, which type of girl you like?"
me:" erm, why ask"
colleague X:"yeah, still dun wan to find one?"
colleague y:" ..."
me:" well, i like girls who is natural.."
happy:" haha, natural? there is no such thing as natural in this world already! or u like guys"
X:"why so?"
me:" i like natural, what i mean is girls who dun put on too much make up... and 100% real body since birth"
"see the ad behind?<>, the one on the left is natural."
Y:"i dun believe!, u like ah lian ah lian one lor, the slutty type"*ah lian means party girls
X:" ya lo, i dun believe too"
happy:" i tot ben would like Dolly type"
me:" wat the... why cant i like wat i like and need you guys to determine for me?"
"but for now i am enjoying my singlehood and concentrating on my career"
"and if i want to find a girl who is natural"
happy:" wuahaha, you mean 'look natural' i assume?"
me:" ya, wateva"
"also i think i need to build up my confidence level too"

you see? you get what i mean?... for your info, all who are involved in this dialogue are single... and they are of 26yrs to 30+yrs.. and why ask abt me sia... haha .. i think i should thank them for their concerns...

Haha... jus so happened the radio is playing this Moulin Rouge song while i was typing this .... -"your song" - "all you need is love" so coindental rite

guess that i dun want to commit to anything at this point of time ba... i mean.. why commit to a relationship when i cant even settle my own needs?

i am happy being single for now... and till i meet my destined one....

Saturday, June 21, 2008

a beautiful day

See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out
Don't let it get away
It was a beautiful day
true enuff, today seems to be a wonderful day for me. no fuss. no stress. except of course i woke up late for work again.. LOL... please la.. still adjusting my body clock..
it seems to me that i have the clearest mind today... know what i am doing and it was alot of 'outdoor' activities...
the day started off with a first meeting with one of our company's business partner..@ Citylink... i was there with our intern and my new partner in crime... 1130am...supposedly ... she was late..
then at 115pm... we met up another partner @ bugis... we were late this time... not because of the wrong time management.. but it was purely because of the taxi...
sometimes i just wonder... the country is so small... and the taxis are all clustered in every part... but how come i still cant get any taxi ard the town area?
right after the meet, my colleagues left and went back to the office... i go meet my boss... went for site visit ... looking for another possible venue for expansion...
i like the feeling of visiting mall's construction site while they are building it up... why? you may ask... i think it is more of the 'no other people can get the chance' kinda feelin.. well unless of course if you are one of the contractors... nevertheless it was still an eye opener for me :)
next trip... got to sit down and get some chill out time with my boss.. and surprisingly ... we din tok much about work... it was more like a chatting session... :) finally.... haha
spent like ard 30mins hangin around... exchangin views before we head back to office...
i've got another meeting to head off to... 6pm... well... i noe it is time to knock off... but i feel these ppl is a must to meet... and indeed it was a fruitful meeting...
i am done for the day... yeah it sounded boring to you i guess... but it was a day away from my workdesk... and i am a person who likes to go around places and not get stuck in one place... get to see ppl and talk to them...
and i am sure i am better off than alot of peeps out there who are working deskbounded...
i think the only thing i missed out for today would be the time with my other deskbounded colleagues .. haha ... poor souls

Monday, June 16, 2008

Nothing to Add

nothing interesting today... so nothing to write about today..
oh did i jus added a post? :) hur hur

Saturday, June 14, 2008


it was a terrible week for me... i feel that i really have no space to breathe... suddenly my world seems so small...i feel Claustrophobic ... i am drained... too drained to even move another inch... i am not given enough chance to rejuvenate... i am tired... my brain cells are not self-regenerating anymore...
i need to plan a getaway real quick...

the road ahead of me is like this tunnel... the end is near but the effort to walk down the journey is tiring... yet it seems easy... only if there is someone to walk with you... to share the laughter.. to share the joy.. to share the suffering... and to share the pain...with you.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Shutter Shades

Hey Y'all, here's the new in thing... the shutter shades... look out for them!!

Monday, June 9, 2008 Aniversary Party

through the lens

had a nice an fun time promised to my troubled self... i wanted to do something unusual this weekend... something which my colleague has suggested.. meddling around with my "new" found "friends"... brought them to explore the surrondings... to take pictures...

Never force a small boy to drink beer

Sunday, June 8, 2008

a day at the beach minus the sun

today is the long waited Sunday.... get to chill out after a week of work... time to head down to the beach ... it has been 3 weeks since i last stepped onto a beach...

however, to my disappointment... the sun is not smiling today... dull and gloomy... not even a single ray of direct sunlight... my guess was because of the many recent natural disasters that struck the Asia region... Hong Kong flooding today... sigh...

luckily, the gang turned up as they promised... no more piloting ... took a few nice pictures with my tools... :p


it was really mind bothering to have read a bulletin posted by one of my friend a few days back...

to me, i dun really care... i dun like to play children's game with him anymore... it is time to grow up bro..

ps. i dun think i am wrong with the decision i have made..

Trip Cancelled

sigh...i was looking forward to it... this trip of 8 days getaway... to relax and pull myself away from work... why .. sigh... told my friends about it... did my fair share of research... go on a almost zero extra expenditure spending for the past 2 months, applied for leave and even gotten my itinery ready... but i guess i hafta put it aside for another chance- New Zealand

why? my NZ pal won't be available on the said planned week, he just finished his Law course and now he wanted to take a break and took part in some competition.. he dropped me a message and told me about it, told me about how he will need to take extra care of his health and mind to prepare for the competition... well, i dun blame him, he really needs to take a break away from his Law studies before he really settledown to look for a proper job... moreover, i did took really long to reply him on the confirmed dates of visit... and all i can blame it on my workaholic nature... blame it on my work... and i guess i hafta blame it on myself not able to take care of my own wellbeing..

hais... or maybe it is fated, i dun get the luxury to enjoy tat level of break at this time... or maybe it is a blessing in disguise? .. i dun know...well i guess my life is to work hard and work mad... and enjoy good life in my late years... well maybe...

sometimes i wonder, am i really putting pressure over myself and make myself overwork?... i dunno why, but i just feel like for the past few years i have been selling myself to the company and get called the '4th boss' i really dunnoe... but still i am grateful... i have learnt many these years... too much that i think i cant even handle on my own at this juncture... i will try...

and... i still need a long break....

Friday, June 6, 2008

When i was 96kg - Scary

my new workstation :)

the table + 8 legs + short plank + long plank = heart pain....
Manual drilling and assembling = priceless
spent almost $500 on all these set up.. at least the room feel more spacious... i can put more things on the planks too:p.. cant help as nowadays HDB the room getting smaller and smaller... last time when i stay in Potong Pasir, i can place 2 queen sized bed into one of my bedrooms... but now placing 1 single is alr taking up too much space

always wanted to do my own set up of the room..,. but sharing with bro... anyway i still get to decide what goes there and stuff.. not too bad alr

sorry lar abit messy... but jus completed it ... at least now the tv is eye level.. not like a few days ago when i need to strain my neck to look up 45deg cos it was placed on the brown cabinet ... now no need alr.. yay!.. can play my game even lying down on my bed...

Lost and Found

Finally, after searching for the longest time... i found my 'photo buddies', my instant mini camera and my lomo (4 lens camera)... long time never use them... got them when i was in Poly year 1.. like 7-8yrs ago lo.. wuahaha

my colleague says wanted to go take many pictures on Sunday... i can join you now with these... kinda cool aye..?

oh oh.. i found these while i was looking through my stuff.... haha can bring to work and play .. gotta relax sometimes... :p

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We d nes day - loooogest day

still feeling groggy from my medication since last night... my doctor gave me all drowsy medicine... cant take them during work .. if not i will sleep thru the day....

today is Wednesday, work starts at 1pm and ends 10pm... though it is the same 9 hours but it seems to me a very long day... very moody.

argh... got tonnes of emails haven read... alot of stuff too... sians...

cool stuff

When i look at this picture close up, i see Albert Einstein, for a moment i thought my colleague is obsessed with the picture staring at it for so long... but if you stand about fifteen feet away, the picture will become Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I am still sick

guess that my immune system is really at it's worst state already... today it is the 5th day i am still sick... and still cant focus my work properly...
went to the docs... fever @ 39 degree...abit higher and i will get brain fried... how to really get well soon?... on MC today and still have to make sure stuff is done back in the office... got my junior to help me... and of course try not to disrupt his work also... disturbed my other colleague as well... felt bad... promised to buy her a drink tomorrow..

this time of the year is always like the trend to fall sick.. think becos of Singapore's geographical location.. the weather is not consistant... rain and shine the same day... it is like throwing yourself into a washing machine and then to the dryer.. super dry and heaty...

mom's cooking porridge, soupy stuff and cut fruits for me... thanks... but i have no appetite today... still have to force myself to eat in order to get well soon

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Blues

actually dun feel like writing today... cos basically nothing much...

monday blues ... yadayada... planning for an appreciation dinner for the Main comm... suppose to be last week Sat, but 2 of my colleagues cant make it so i postponed to toady... and the same 2 buggers also cannot turn up... hais...

ended up with 7 insead of 9... and worse! i forgot to invite my other 2 Directors... got a sarcastic remark from my big boss.. haha ... well cos normally i call them also they wont turn up... but then it is still courtesy to at least drop them a note...

sorry boss... will make it a point..

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sick on a Sunday

today is Sunday, bright sunny day... butttt..... i cant go anywhereeee...
sick... sick... since thursday... ad lotsa medicine still cant get well... damn...

maybe becos of all the late nights since i embarked on the party project till the tktk project with my junior... i see my junior also can see the weariness on his face.. told him to take care of himself...

i realised my immune system dropped tremendously... havent been to the gym for past 3 weeks.. never sleep well... never eat well...

my resolution for June... i need to build up my body system back to the original self...

thanks for all the 'get well soon' wishes from many people and business partners...