Sunday, June 8, 2008

Trip Cancelled

sigh...i was looking forward to it... this trip of 8 days getaway... to relax and pull myself away from work... why .. sigh... told my friends about it... did my fair share of research... go on a almost zero extra expenditure spending for the past 2 months, applied for leave and even gotten my itinery ready... but i guess i hafta put it aside for another chance- New Zealand

why? my NZ pal won't be available on the said planned week, he just finished his Law course and now he wanted to take a break and took part in some competition.. he dropped me a message and told me about it, told me about how he will need to take extra care of his health and mind to prepare for the competition... well, i dun blame him, he really needs to take a break away from his Law studies before he really settledown to look for a proper job... moreover, i did took really long to reply him on the confirmed dates of visit... and all i can blame it on my workaholic nature... blame it on my work... and i guess i hafta blame it on myself not able to take care of my own wellbeing..

hais... or maybe it is fated, i dun get the luxury to enjoy tat level of break at this time... or maybe it is a blessing in disguise? .. i dun know...well i guess my life is to work hard and work mad... and enjoy good life in my late years... well maybe...

sometimes i wonder, am i really putting pressure over myself and make myself overwork?... i dunno why, but i just feel like for the past few years i have been selling myself to the company and get called the '4th boss' i really dunnoe... but still i am grateful... i have learnt many these years... too much that i think i cant even handle on my own at this juncture... i will try...

and... i still need a long break....

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