Friday, June 27, 2008

Enjoy being alone

With a full glass and an empty heart,

I search for something to occupy my mind

as i was heading to work today... a feeling suddenly struck me... a feeling of lonliness... dunno why... jus a feeling like an empty shell.

it was quite sometime back since i was last attached... very long in fact.. abt 5 yrs ago...

everyday on my way to work i will see happy young couples in the train, the bus, or even in shopping centres...some even younger than me... i am 25 by the way... i wonder... are they really that happy? or is it just a moment of act... to pretend at the sight of each other... or jus what they called... puppy love...

i have a few of my friends who got heartbroken recently jus because of simple reason like "immaturity". they say age comes with wisdom or maturity... but are they ready to embrace each other long enuff to reach that stage?

it can be rather irritating when at 25yrs old... all the ppl around will start to question abt your love life.. "are you attached?" "why are you not attached?" worse still... "are you gay?"

yeah i am a 'gay' bachelor... happy = gay.. no?

earlier, i was hangin out with my colleagues... 2 of them .. and a happy friend.. it was all too coincidental when the topic of discussion was "Ben, which type of girl do you like?"

happy friend: "ben, which type of girl you like?"
me:" erm, why ask"
colleague X:"yeah, still dun wan to find one?"
colleague y:" ..."
me:" well, i like girls who is natural.."
happy:" haha, natural? there is no such thing as natural in this world already! or u like guys"
X:"why so?"
me:" i like natural, what i mean is girls who dun put on too much make up... and 100% real body since birth"
"see the ad behind?<>, the one on the left is natural."
Y:"i dun believe!, u like ah lian ah lian one lor, the slutty type"*ah lian means party girls
X:" ya lo, i dun believe too"
happy:" i tot ben would like Dolly type"
me:" wat the... why cant i like wat i like and need you guys to determine for me?"
"but for now i am enjoying my singlehood and concentrating on my career"
"and if i want to find a girl who is natural"
happy:" wuahaha, you mean 'look natural' i assume?"
me:" ya, wateva"
"also i think i need to build up my confidence level too"

you see? you get what i mean?... for your info, all who are involved in this dialogue are single... and they are of 26yrs to 30+yrs.. and why ask abt me sia... haha .. i think i should thank them for their concerns...

Haha... jus so happened the radio is playing this Moulin Rouge song while i was typing this .... -"your song" - "all you need is love" so coindental rite

guess that i dun want to commit to anything at this point of time ba... i mean.. why commit to a relationship when i cant even settle my own needs?

i am happy being single for now... and till i meet my destined one....

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