Monday, September 29, 2008

being lonely - feeling down...thinking happy

i think i have come to a stage that work becomes a routine in my life...
cant seems to get enuff time off to engage in other activities...

though i must say i still enjoy what i am doing at my current job... still more to explore... it is only the matter if i am willing to explore...

i was chatting with one of my friend on MSN... being concerned on my recent low morale posting... "Lonely"

C: mister lonely why so lonely?

B: you noe lar.. no need to explain....

B: maybe becos i always think about work 24/7 and nothing else?

C: i think u have reached a stage where u are getting abit "frustrated" at the retail life... and also no one to share ur grouses or ur daily stuff so u feel down?

B: i guess so... my friends are in their 8-5 jobs and i always work weird hours... so hard to get them...

C: is bound to be like tat... when u have work or hours diff from pple ard u... i also experience some down periods, when pple are resting and im out coldcalling... in my biz,got to work when pple are off... now lost track of when holidays etc, as there are no holidays in our work, rite... but this is our choice so we got to do it. If u ask yourself, do u really enjoy the work and its yes, then u got to accept the losses for the gains u get but of coz, sometimes in life, there are bound to be standstil periods...

B: True.. i agree..

C: dun brood over it too much... sometimes we are the ones causing all the thots and unhappy stuff going on in our mind... think think think too much

yes... and that speaks alot for the conversation... i really think think think think too much sometimes ... nothing also think.. too many thing also think... really bad... and it is really affecting my life and my health.....

i will try to smile more... and not to look so gloomy everytime... lets think happy thoughts instead..

*nites ppl*

Friday, September 26, 2008

Must go and Try!!

I may have been a bit too out of touch with the world... recently i managed to taste these nice crispy and yummy waffles... sad to say... only now when it is already in the market for quite some time ...

"More than a century ago, a café was opened in thetown of Liege, Belgium. They served Liege Waffles, a different type of waffle fromthe Brussels or more popularly known now as the Belgian Waffles. We brought thisto-die for age-old recipe and tradition into Singapore with the introduction of Sweet Stone Parad’Ice first launched in Golden Mile Food Centre in 2007. It was an instant hit"

I went to their cafe Sweet Stone Express at Hong Lim Park CC - SSEX in the city - so as they call themselves... famous for their trademarked waffles

here i present to you their menu

comes with Tuna Mayo, Crab Mayo, Egg Mayo, Ham & Cheese, Smoked Salmon and Roast Beef.
personally i like their Smoked Salmon and Roast Beef... if you want to try all, you can order the mini mix of 3 savory treats of your choice, priced from $5.80 -$8.80
for a family feast you can even order their Waffee's Fortune 100 - $179.80 (an assortment of 100 waffles) but you have to be patient and wait and order 1 day in advance... good things come with a price. :P

one thing for sure... this menu is for someone adventurous... having sweet waffles as the sandwich with salted inbetweens, you are definitely up for some tastebuds surprises...

next, of course... the must have desserts... if you are with a friend... must order the fondue ($14.80).. sinful..but yummilicious... comes with fruits, marshmellows and of course ... the trademark waffles. Too sinful perhaps? down yourself with their Moroccan Mint Tea ($3.80)... clear your chocolate coated throat... soothing yet not too strong Mint feel... a very finely executed after taste... WARNING!!! may get you ready for another round of fondue... :P

visit their website for more details... give yourself a chance to indulge, for once, a sinful manner...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


haha dunno why... i jus thought i found sumthing positive!

my blog's hit-rate is like 6 digits! haha shiok..

be patience with me, i try to update as much as possible... but anyway... dun comment on my blog about my language etc.. if you dun like... go someone else's blog...

peace out

Irritating why so negative?!!!

recently, i have been so negative about everything... not complaining, just being anal to myself... it was fine before... what is happening?! i really dunno...

thanks to all who gave me the encouraging comments though... :) appreciated

well, (blasting the radio in my office now, Shiok!!!) i am trying to find my positivity back... it will take some time though... but trying...

"life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get" - haha thinking back... if you dunno what you getting, why still buy? haha (so negative, paiseh)

like right now, while writing, i am doing some soul searching at the same time... so many minor mistakes yet creating a big hoo ha all around... but who cares... dun wan be so bo chup also...

anyway, tml i will be heading down to Cafe Del Mar.. chillex... my work phone will be off during that period.. or should i say DND mode... so fingers crossed...

Friday, September 5, 2008

am i working too hard?

ever thought about what are you working hard for?

is it for the fun?

is it for the interest?

isit for the money?

everyone has his own say in this... but for me... haha seriously... i am not too sure either...

it all started wif a purpose to find a job to last for a few months..ended up working for 3 yrs.. how about that for long term employment...

i used to believe that a person has to be skilled in a certain area so as to proof his worth... no matter how hardworking you are... you will still be only a small fry in the establishment... how time flies... i dun remember myself being skilled as someone who is into retail business... i grad as an engr... but i am doing work which is not at all related... how kewl is that?

well i must say i am kinda lucky, given this opportunity to work for my current company... to do something which i is not within my academic reach... i must say i am fortunate...

however, things dun come so simple... i worked hard...really hard... to scale thru the scope that i am given.... sometimes even giving up my personal life and giving up my sleep to make sure all are done well

but i am tired now... after 3 yrs... am i pushing myself too hard? i still love this job... the ppl i work with, the ppl i meet and the exposure given to me is so wide that i dun think other establishment can give me... do i need to focus my mind on something else? something more personal? so that i dun feel overworked.. so much so that i can last a longer distance... holiday works... but for a short term break...

i feel.. i lack of something....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"I" contented

I have been wondering... what have i to live for? what have i to set in my life... it is a question that i am asking myself... many times...

I believe alot of you feel the same way as i am when you hit a certain low key note in your life...

I have seen and heard many of the same calibre as me... coming to a point that you have to make an important decision in your life... keeping your fingers crossed... and move on to another chapter.... "destiny is sometimes difficult to accept" but hell to it.. we still have to face 'destiny'

I wonder... how many of 'me' there are in this world... doing the same thing at the same time.. same name, same age... just out here to survive in this harsh world... yet unique by 'I'... stupid thoughs...

I think that we are here in this world to complete a karma in life... set to keep the world revolving...

I set my life as an important opportunity to learn... to learn as much as my brain can absorb... just like throwing a sponge into a bucket of water... when it is soaked up with water.. it will just sink yet stay afloat somehow... absorb and not over obsessed with anything...

nothing is too perfect in the world... even every flakes of snow are different from each other...

"I" contented as i have posted here is not just about me being me... but me in a similar situation, similar thoughts with many others at at point of time.

I wonder, I believe, I survive...

NIKE + RUN 31/08/08

The Running route

The goodies

the people

The Start

the Run

i ended the run with a timing of 1hr 10mins... down with flu, not enough sleep... not too bad already... i am totally satisfied with my timing due to another fact that i did not even train for the run... yeah not good for my joints though... recovering from an injured knee also...

well i got home with another joint injury my right big toe... i think because i am running in my new pair of shoes and added to that the slippery ground tends to make me do alot of sudden brake... haha alot of reasons rite... well looking forward to the next run in December... Standard Chartered 08... hope i have got the time to train.. :)