Friday, September 26, 2008

Must go and Try!!

I may have been a bit too out of touch with the world... recently i managed to taste these nice crispy and yummy waffles... sad to say... only now when it is already in the market for quite some time ...

"More than a century ago, a café was opened in thetown of Liege, Belgium. They served Liege Waffles, a different type of waffle fromthe Brussels or more popularly known now as the Belgian Waffles. We brought thisto-die for age-old recipe and tradition into Singapore with the introduction of Sweet Stone Parad’Ice first launched in Golden Mile Food Centre in 2007. It was an instant hit"

I went to their cafe Sweet Stone Express at Hong Lim Park CC - SSEX in the city - so as they call themselves... famous for their trademarked waffles

here i present to you their menu

comes with Tuna Mayo, Crab Mayo, Egg Mayo, Ham & Cheese, Smoked Salmon and Roast Beef.
personally i like their Smoked Salmon and Roast Beef... if you want to try all, you can order the mini mix of 3 savory treats of your choice, priced from $5.80 -$8.80
for a family feast you can even order their Waffee's Fortune 100 - $179.80 (an assortment of 100 waffles) but you have to be patient and wait and order 1 day in advance... good things come with a price. :P

one thing for sure... this menu is for someone adventurous... having sweet waffles as the sandwich with salted inbetweens, you are definitely up for some tastebuds surprises...

next, of course... the must have desserts... if you are with a friend... must order the fondue ($14.80).. sinful..but yummilicious... comes with fruits, marshmellows and of course ... the trademark waffles. Too sinful perhaps? down yourself with their Moroccan Mint Tea ($3.80)... clear your chocolate coated throat... soothing yet not too strong Mint feel... a very finely executed after taste... WARNING!!! may get you ready for another round of fondue... :P

visit their website for more details... give yourself a chance to indulge, for once, a sinful manner...

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