Saturday, September 20, 2008

Irritating why so negative?!!!

recently, i have been so negative about everything... not complaining, just being anal to myself... it was fine before... what is happening?! i really dunno...

thanks to all who gave me the encouraging comments though... :) appreciated

well, (blasting the radio in my office now, Shiok!!!) i am trying to find my positivity back... it will take some time though... but trying...

"life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get" - haha thinking back... if you dunno what you getting, why still buy? haha (so negative, paiseh)

like right now, while writing, i am doing some soul searching at the same time... so many minor mistakes yet creating a big hoo ha all around... but who cares... dun wan be so bo chup also...

anyway, tml i will be heading down to Cafe Del Mar.. chillex... my work phone will be off during that period.. or should i say DND mode... so fingers crossed...

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