Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"I" contented

I have been wondering... what have i to live for? what have i to set in my life... it is a question that i am asking myself... many times...

I believe alot of you feel the same way as i am when you hit a certain low key note in your life...

I have seen and heard many of the same calibre as me... coming to a point that you have to make an important decision in your life... keeping your fingers crossed... and move on to another chapter.... "destiny is sometimes difficult to accept" but hell to it.. we still have to face 'destiny'

I wonder... how many of 'me' there are in this world... doing the same thing at the same time.. same name, same age... just out here to survive in this harsh world... yet unique by 'I'... stupid thoughs...

I think that we are here in this world to complete a karma in life... set to keep the world revolving...

I set my life as an important opportunity to learn... to learn as much as my brain can absorb... just like throwing a sponge into a bucket of water... when it is soaked up with water.. it will just sink yet stay afloat somehow... absorb and not over obsessed with anything...

nothing is too perfect in the world... even every flakes of snow are different from each other...

"I" contented as i have posted here is not just about me being me... but me in a similar situation, similar thoughts with many others at at point of time.

I wonder, I believe, I survive...

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