Saturday, May 31, 2008

31 May 08- another event completed

it was a loooooooong week to begin many events yet so little time for planning.. in fact i feel really exhausted from all the late nights accumulated... i cant move my facial muscle to even smile..

i was late today... really late... am suppose to meet the guys at 10am.. ended up meeting them at 12pm instead... it was damn bad... i feel so ashamed of myself.... hais.. what happened to me? must be the drinks i had last night... still feeling a bit hangover...

The event? it was all good... no doubt i have arrange for alot of people to work on it... it was also my junior's first project... i told him no worries as we have went thru 2 of the same event and i already know every single details to look out for... of course not forgetting getting the help from the experienced Team members.

yet another successful event executed by the team well done guys...

Ed banger Duty Free Tour 2008 @ ZOUK

It was a blast at ZOUK today with the guest artiste and DJs from ED Banger, it was the first time i experienced clubbing with live vocal rapping and although it was a bit 'not fun' for me as i was sick since Thursday... caught the flu virus :( no voice and a bit groggy, but managed to take a few nice shots with my friends
with Ying, my trusted colleague and friend
haha we almost talked the whole night complaining about work and stuff... it was all good though...somtimes it is nice to have someone who can lend a listening ear.. especially after a week's work... happy for you that you are graduating with your course soon... (dunno when is my turn to ever pick myself up to go studying)

With Chloe (ex-Furqan Assitant)
hurhur... you looked abit like Sadako in this picture... but anyway ... you slimmed down, changed hairstyle... cant recognise you :)

with my good friend Patricia...

I got to know her kinda randomly actually (long story)... it was a coincidence also to see her at ZOUK... haha it is great knowing her.. fun girl all the parties and all.. ... she was with her group of mediacorp friends .. haha saw Fiona Xie also..

With Adele, Catalog Chief Editor

also dunno how i got into this party craze with her... good to relax once in a while... thanks for asking me out to your parties..

with Ying and Chris, Writer
With Furqan, Smitten Art Director

yoyo, been working with him long long time since i joined my company... fun chap and always cheerful.. lurve all the exciting news you have shared.

with Wilson, stylist to call for party :) thanks for the Champagne :o

this guys is all for the sweet stuff for his friends... received many many Chocolates from him already... told me "eat so that will be happy... dun always look so gloomy" haha now i hafta watch my weight.

Friday, May 30, 2008

night out

it wasnt suppose to be this way :p

i have arranged a very casual dinner meet up with one of my female business partner... nothing about work... all purely personal...
we talked about what was going on in each of our lives.. kinda relaxing mood though...

the only thing i hate was, i still need to work at 11pm lata ... meeting my junior to prepare the whole set up for the next day event... sianz... my life is already revolving around work... and more work... i really need a break...

next we went down to FHM-girls next door 2008 @ St James Powerhouse... it was a partnership program of my friend's and it was suppose to be a simple nite to go see the 'chui' girls at FHM... but ended up kerna bullied by my friend's colleagues... it all started out with a simple drink... i drank... and nearly got drunk... tried to siam them as much as possible le.. i still need to work lo... cant leave my poor junior there to fend for himself and set the whole project up by himself lor...

quickly i made my way to the entrance... trying to get hold of myself first before heading back to the office...

i dunno if i am down on luck that nite or am i lucky...lucky enuff to get more drinks for free... i met another of my business partner.. and she pulled the nearly drunk me in back to the club to get more drinks... drank another 3 shots, 3 beers and 3 vodka mixers... i am tipsy now... not puking...

managed to pull myself together and slipped out to catch a cab.... i was 30mins late ... felt damn bad ...


it has been many days since i last posted on this blog..

i was busy... really busy... planning wif my company's anniversary party... planning and planning...

it is really sad to see this blog empty... and it is also annoying that i really do not have the luxury of time to blog...

1 whole.. week almost 10 ppl is telling me to update my blog regularly... yadayada ... okok... i try ok :(

Attack of the Geeks - Obsessed

First of all, i have to blame the technology behind this damn box... it was the cause of all these geekiness obsession...

it was late last thursday after work... went home showered and decided to catch a tv program while waiting for my hair to dry... i chance upon this Taiwanese variety show where all the invited celebrities are suppose to eat food that links to the final food chain...

actually all those food they presented in the show are of no interest to me at the wee hour... but it was those geek specs that all the celebs are wearing that keep my eyes pealed.. every food chain they hit.. they will change a set .. and but the end of the show each celeb has alr worn 10 geek specs to run thru the whole 30mins show.

i managed to capture this one which i like most in the whole show... my mom was beside me while i was doing so... she said "Siao ah?"

that is the mark of my search for the geek specs...

Oh My 天!!! i found the exact same spec i saw on that god damn TVshow... well not exactly the same... the color differs... mine is a tortoise shell brown... not black.... but wa lao .. not too bad already... got it for $2 @ Daiso VivoCity... it is like the only piece in that big mountain of short sighted specs... and yes i got it IN THE FOLKS DEPT.. haha dun care... jus need to use a little force to push the lens out ... that all.. :p woo hoo... lurve Daiso... everything is so cheap.. and i found an Aviator shades which sells like $20 outside.. and i got it @ $2 too... hows that?

another role playing moment in the office last week... prolly all got influenced by the geekiness bug.. we all started to play geek...that's me wif my colleagues doin the teacher and geeks impression... haha so farnie...
nothing beats this family picture of the geeks...tried to ensure all get to wear geek... but left wif only my aviator... so lend the 'extra' one to my colleague.. say "GEEK!"

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lourve @ National Museum

Leo is dominated by the powerful rays of the Sun, and linked with the element Fire. The combination of the two is pure fire - pure life, pure energy, pure existence.
They are powerful, demonstrative, loving, generous, extraordinarily creative, and full of good humour. Laughter to them is an essential part of existence and, because of this, they rarely succumb to the more natural worries of other signs, for they tend to make fun in the face of adversity. They believe fervently in their right to enjoy the good things of life, and are extremely friendly and loving when content with their lot.

Aphrodite - Venus

Venus - purification

almost 2 months back, i went to the Singapore National Museum to get this rare chance to view the statues of the LOURVE... famous greek structures from the BC.... got the chance to view them up close and managed to take a few pictures of them...

Bonjour Kitty

This is my 'Darling', her name is Meow Meow, yes... it is for the sake of my mom, easy to remember and easy to call...i found her in 1999 Teacher's Day, young and stranded, eyes not even opened... this year she is hitting her big 9 and i guess in the animal kingdom she is considered an old auntie(9 x 7 animal years = 63 years old) how scary is that! but she is still very active, she still ran around and climb around alot...
oh and cats are such clean animals... if you train them well... they will know where to do their "business"

Aren't they Cute?

6 months ago, my mom found 2 kittens at my grandma's place. she called me up: "eh should i bring them back?, they look very the hungry." in my mind was like ermm do we have enough time for them? i told her a firm 'No' and forget it... i mean we cant save every kitten we see in the streets rite... guess what? when i got back from work.. they are at my balcony... hais...

we named them mini and miki, (not minnie and mickey, scared got copyright issue haha jokin la).

it was a tough one for them. both of them got this intestinal infection, you know when they poo poo, there are these little worms kinda thing... i was like WTF! they cant really feed well... so we brought them to the vet... but no cure... shit man... they just say they are too young so cant use medicine to cure.. and worst they are abandoned by their mom... so no hope... what kindof Vet man!.. very dramatic rite....

hais... we spent 3 days nuturing them hoping they will get well soon... but tragedy strucked mini... she cant take it anymore.. her immune system is not strong enough to tide her through... she left us... and we are left with miki...

oh did i mention that Meow Meow was the same age when i found her? about 3 days old.

Miki when he is 1 month old

look at the eyes!

Miki 6 months old

i guess you will think the same way as me.... DAMN! miki was very so cute lar... now like so big la.... haha .. guess my mom took care of them well...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Let's Start off with myself

Full Name: Lee Keong Fei, Ben
Date Of Birth: 15th August 1983
Place of Birth: Singapore, KK Hospital
Ethnic Group: Chinese
Dialect: Cantonese
Religion: Buddhist
Zodiac Sign: Leo

Schools (Other):

St Andrew's Junior / Secondary / JC / Ngee Ann Poly / OETI / OCS (delta) / SOCE/ VTW (brdg) / 35 SCE Boat Coy


St. Andrew's School, Attended 1996 - 1999, Class of 1999,
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Attended 2000 - 2003, Class of 2003

Occupation: Marketing-Brand Strategist

Favorite Books:

Harry Potter, Books by Roald Dahl (all the childish kind) Da Vinci's code, Purple Cow

Hobbies and Interests:

Favorite Movies:
Sci-fi, Futuristic, Marvel, fantasy, Action

Favorite TV Shows:

Any shows that interest me like SCI FI shows, Reality TV, CSI NY

Favorite Music:

Jazz, R&B, Soul, Classical, Chinese, Japanese, Sounds that are peaceful to the ears

About Me:

* Loves to joke * Attractive * Suave and caring * Brave and fearless* Firm and has leadership qualities* Knows how to console others* Too generous and egoistic* Takes high pride of oneself * Thirsty for praises* Extraordinary spirit * Easily angered * Angry when provoked* Easily jealous* Observant * Careful and cautious * Thinks quickly * Independent thoughts* Loves to lead and to be led * Loves to dream * Talented in the arts, music and defense* Sensitive but not petty * resistance against illnesses * Loving and caring * Loves to make friends

Who I Want to Meet:
My Future Wife (V.Important) ... great ppl ... cool frens ... ppl who i can hang out with