Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Let's Start off with myself

Full Name: Lee Keong Fei, Ben
Date Of Birth: 15th August 1983
Place of Birth: Singapore, KK Hospital
Ethnic Group: Chinese
Dialect: Cantonese
Religion: Buddhist
Zodiac Sign: Leo

Schools (Other):

St Andrew's Junior / Secondary / JC / Ngee Ann Poly / OETI / OCS (delta) / SOCE/ VTW (brdg) / 35 SCE Boat Coy


St. Andrew's School, Attended 1996 - 1999, Class of 1999,
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Attended 2000 - 2003, Class of 2003

Occupation: Marketing-Brand Strategist

Favorite Books:

Harry Potter, Books by Roald Dahl (all the childish kind) Da Vinci's code, Purple Cow

Hobbies and Interests:

Favorite Movies:
Sci-fi, Futuristic, Marvel, fantasy, Action

Favorite TV Shows:

Any shows that interest me like SCI FI shows, Reality TV, CSI NY

Favorite Music:

Jazz, R&B, Soul, Classical, Chinese, Japanese, Sounds that are peaceful to the ears

About Me:

* Loves to joke * Attractive * Suave and caring * Brave and fearless* Firm and has leadership qualities* Knows how to console others* Too generous and egoistic* Takes high pride of oneself * Thirsty for praises* Extraordinary spirit * Easily angered * Angry when provoked* Easily jealous* Observant * Careful and cautious * Thinks quickly * Independent thoughts* Loves to lead and to be led * Loves to dream * Talented in the arts, music and defense* Sensitive but not petty * resistance against illnesses * Loving and caring * Loves to make friends

Who I Want to Meet:
My Future Wife (V.Important) ... great ppl ... cool frens ... ppl who i can hang out with

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