Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bonjour Kitty

This is my 'Darling', her name is Meow Meow, yes... it is for the sake of my mom, easy to remember and easy to call...i found her in 1999 Teacher's Day, young and stranded, eyes not even opened... this year she is hitting her big 9 and i guess in the animal kingdom she is considered an old auntie(9 x 7 animal years = 63 years old) how scary is that! but she is still very active, she still ran around and climb around alot...
oh and cats are such clean animals... if you train them well... they will know where to do their "business"

Aren't they Cute?

6 months ago, my mom found 2 kittens at my grandma's place. she called me up: "eh should i bring them back?, they look very the hungry." in my mind was like ermm do we have enough time for them? i told her a firm 'No' and forget it... i mean we cant save every kitten we see in the streets rite... guess what? when i got back from work.. they are at my balcony... hais...

we named them mini and miki, (not minnie and mickey, scared got copyright issue haha jokin la).

it was a tough one for them. both of them got this intestinal infection, you know when they poo poo, there are these little worms kinda thing... i was like WTF! they cant really feed well... so we brought them to the vet... but no cure... shit man... they just say they are too young so cant use medicine to cure.. and worst they are abandoned by their mom... so no hope... what kindof Vet man!.. very dramatic rite....

hais... we spent 3 days nuturing them hoping they will get well soon... but tragedy strucked mini... she cant take it anymore.. her immune system is not strong enough to tide her through... she left us... and we are left with miki...

oh did i mention that Meow Meow was the same age when i found her? about 3 days old.

Miki when he is 1 month old

look at the eyes!

Miki 6 months old

i guess you will think the same way as me.... DAMN! miki was very so cute lar... now like so big la.... haha .. guess my mom took care of them well...

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