Saturday, May 31, 2008

31 May 08- another event completed

it was a loooooooong week to begin many events yet so little time for planning.. in fact i feel really exhausted from all the late nights accumulated... i cant move my facial muscle to even smile..

i was late today... really late... am suppose to meet the guys at 10am.. ended up meeting them at 12pm instead... it was damn bad... i feel so ashamed of myself.... hais.. what happened to me? must be the drinks i had last night... still feeling a bit hangover...

The event? it was all good... no doubt i have arrange for alot of people to work on it... it was also my junior's first project... i told him no worries as we have went thru 2 of the same event and i already know every single details to look out for... of course not forgetting getting the help from the experienced Team members.

yet another successful event executed by the team well done guys...

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