Friday, May 30, 2008

night out

it wasnt suppose to be this way :p

i have arranged a very casual dinner meet up with one of my female business partner... nothing about work... all purely personal...
we talked about what was going on in each of our lives.. kinda relaxing mood though...

the only thing i hate was, i still need to work at 11pm lata ... meeting my junior to prepare the whole set up for the next day event... sianz... my life is already revolving around work... and more work... i really need a break...

next we went down to FHM-girls next door 2008 @ St James Powerhouse... it was a partnership program of my friend's and it was suppose to be a simple nite to go see the 'chui' girls at FHM... but ended up kerna bullied by my friend's colleagues... it all started out with a simple drink... i drank... and nearly got drunk... tried to siam them as much as possible le.. i still need to work lo... cant leave my poor junior there to fend for himself and set the whole project up by himself lor...

quickly i made my way to the entrance... trying to get hold of myself first before heading back to the office...

i dunno if i am down on luck that nite or am i lucky...lucky enuff to get more drinks for free... i met another of my business partner.. and she pulled the nearly drunk me in back to the club to get more drinks... drank another 3 shots, 3 beers and 3 vodka mixers... i am tipsy now... not puking...

managed to pull myself together and slipped out to catch a cab.... i was 30mins late ... felt damn bad ...

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