Friday, May 30, 2008

Attack of the Geeks - Obsessed

First of all, i have to blame the technology behind this damn box... it was the cause of all these geekiness obsession...

it was late last thursday after work... went home showered and decided to catch a tv program while waiting for my hair to dry... i chance upon this Taiwanese variety show where all the invited celebrities are suppose to eat food that links to the final food chain...

actually all those food they presented in the show are of no interest to me at the wee hour... but it was those geek specs that all the celebs are wearing that keep my eyes pealed.. every food chain they hit.. they will change a set .. and but the end of the show each celeb has alr worn 10 geek specs to run thru the whole 30mins show.

i managed to capture this one which i like most in the whole show... my mom was beside me while i was doing so... she said "Siao ah?"

that is the mark of my search for the geek specs...

Oh My 天!!! i found the exact same spec i saw on that god damn TVshow... well not exactly the same... the color differs... mine is a tortoise shell brown... not black.... but wa lao .. not too bad already... got it for $2 @ Daiso VivoCity... it is like the only piece in that big mountain of short sighted specs... and yes i got it IN THE FOLKS DEPT.. haha dun care... jus need to use a little force to push the lens out ... that all.. :p woo hoo... lurve Daiso... everything is so cheap.. and i found an Aviator shades which sells like $20 outside.. and i got it @ $2 too... hows that?

another role playing moment in the office last week... prolly all got influenced by the geekiness bug.. we all started to play geek...that's me wif my colleagues doin the teacher and geeks impression... haha so farnie...
nothing beats this family picture of the geeks...tried to ensure all get to wear geek... but left wif only my aviator... so lend the 'extra' one to my colleague.. say "GEEK!"

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