Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ed banger Duty Free Tour 2008 @ ZOUK

It was a blast at ZOUK today with the guest artiste and DJs from ED Banger, it was the first time i experienced clubbing with live vocal rapping and although it was a bit 'not fun' for me as i was sick since Thursday... caught the flu virus :( no voice and a bit groggy, but managed to take a few nice shots with my friends
with Ying, my trusted colleague and friend
haha we almost talked the whole night complaining about work and stuff... it was all good though...somtimes it is nice to have someone who can lend a listening ear.. especially after a week's work... happy for you that you are graduating with your course soon... (dunno when is my turn to ever pick myself up to go studying)

With Chloe (ex-Furqan Assitant)
hurhur... you looked abit like Sadako in this picture... but anyway ... you slimmed down, changed hairstyle... cant recognise you :)

with my good friend Patricia...

I got to know her kinda randomly actually (long story)... it was a coincidence also to see her at ZOUK... haha it is great knowing her.. fun girl all the parties and all.. ... she was with her group of mediacorp friends .. haha saw Fiona Xie also..

With Adele, Catalog Chief Editor

also dunno how i got into this party craze with her... good to relax once in a while... thanks for asking me out to your parties..

with Ying and Chris, Writer
With Furqan, Smitten Art Director

yoyo, been working with him long long time since i joined my company... fun chap and always cheerful.. lurve all the exciting news you have shared.

with Wilson, stylist to call for party :) thanks for the Champagne :o

this guys is all for the sweet stuff for his friends... received many many Chocolates from him already... told me "eat so that will be happy... dun always look so gloomy" haha now i hafta watch my weight.

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