Monday, September 29, 2008

being lonely - feeling down...thinking happy

i think i have come to a stage that work becomes a routine in my life...
cant seems to get enuff time off to engage in other activities...

though i must say i still enjoy what i am doing at my current job... still more to explore... it is only the matter if i am willing to explore...

i was chatting with one of my friend on MSN... being concerned on my recent low morale posting... "Lonely"

C: mister lonely why so lonely?

B: you noe lar.. no need to explain....

B: maybe becos i always think about work 24/7 and nothing else?

C: i think u have reached a stage where u are getting abit "frustrated" at the retail life... and also no one to share ur grouses or ur daily stuff so u feel down?

B: i guess so... my friends are in their 8-5 jobs and i always work weird hours... so hard to get them...

C: is bound to be like tat... when u have work or hours diff from pple ard u... i also experience some down periods, when pple are resting and im out coldcalling... in my biz,got to work when pple are off... now lost track of when holidays etc, as there are no holidays in our work, rite... but this is our choice so we got to do it. If u ask yourself, do u really enjoy the work and its yes, then u got to accept the losses for the gains u get but of coz, sometimes in life, there are bound to be standstil periods...

B: True.. i agree..

C: dun brood over it too much... sometimes we are the ones causing all the thots and unhappy stuff going on in our mind... think think think too much

yes... and that speaks alot for the conversation... i really think think think think too much sometimes ... nothing also think.. too many thing also think... really bad... and it is really affecting my life and my health.....

i will try to smile more... and not to look so gloomy everytime... lets think happy thoughts instead..

*nites ppl*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd experienced what you're going through right now. I see that as a bottleneck in my worklife during that period. And that period, was my 4th year in the same job, retail. Like what your friend C, had said, in this biz, you're working on hours when people are not. Hard to catch up with friends and family and even, yourself.
Now, I'm out of the retail world and pursue into another industry, and I quite enjoy my "Alone" time as well as with my friends and family. So, maybe you can ask yourself, is it time for you to move on to another phase, or you love what you're doing right now, and continue with it. The choice is yours. Good luck!