Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Getting Married is a CHOICE!

come 2010 February 14, a day for chinese to rememeber as Double Happiness 喜喜
chinese used this symbol to represent a newly wed couple for 2 person to be happy and share the joy
however, to my surprise if you were to view it sideway in this particular symbol, another word appears. - CHOICE!
i guess for a couple to put their life together is really a choice made a lifetime. :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

fantastic way of analyzing a market and identifying opportunity - Steve Jobs, Apple

Even though the way Steve presents this analysis is simple, it is not easy. You will need to have as much information as you can gather about your primary competitors and your potential customers. As a summary here are the basic steps.

Step 1: Product & Markets

The first step in segmentation and targeting is to identify the product classes in your marketplace, meaning solutions that solve similar problems for your potential customer. As an example, in the vacuum market you might have: standard home vacuum cleaners, shop vacuums, portable vacuums… you get the idea.

Step 2: Competition

Create a diagram with the product segments of your target market listed on the header. Now visualize the top two competitors in each product segment. Steve did this as a bubble roughly relating their size to their percentage market cap in that market. This helps you recognize the competitive pressure within a given customer segment.

Step 3: The Emerging Market

The best way to approach a market is to target the emerging opportunity within a sector. Think about where the market is going to be in a 5 year time frame. Where your market will be five years from now is typically where the emerging market is today. Create your products accordingly.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

do you remember?

see the similarities to the below King of Pop's Michael Jackson's songs?

Remember the time? That time?

the way you make me feel...

D&G Fragrances

A new movie to look out for in 2010!

for the fantasy war strategy games fanatics!

Scandalous Maybach Campaign by David LaChapelle

“Jets, Cribs and Rides.” by Gene Kiegel

V is for Victory ad campaign by NIKE

Monday, December 14, 2009

10 Ways to Manage Bosses - Hint: Treat them like TOTdlers!

Do you ever think your boss behaves like a child going through the "terrible twos," throwing tantrums or reverting to a little lost lamb when in over his or her head?

I call this regression "Terrible Office Tyrant" (TOT) behavior. TOTs can act like schoolyard bullies afraid to reveal the slightest incompetence, or like helpless children. They can be fickle, stubborn or needy or have irrational fears. And they can consume your workday, not to mention wreak havoc on productivity and profits.

A bad economy, workplace pressures and stress can trigger the many striking similarities between bad bosses and terrible tykes. We're all human, and behind a boss's professional facade is often a grown kid who can't handle his or her power.

When your boss slips into any of the 10 classic TOT behaviors, including the "bratty" type (overly demanding, stubborn, self-centered or tantrum-throwing) or the "little lost lamb" variety (fickle or overly fearful), you can use proven parental techniques and actually thrive in your job. By seeing the childlike motives behind a boss's (or co-worker's) actions, you can better manage even the most difficult situations.

Use C.A.L.M.
The top four tips to keeping your office from being a corporate playpen are best described by the acronym C.A.L.M.: communicate, anticipate, laugh and manage up:

1. Communicate
Communicate frequently, openly and honestly. Savvy TOT-tamers take the initiative to establish an open dialogue. At work, stay aligned with your boss's objectives rather than focusing on your pet projects, so that your work remains consistent with what's most critical to management.

By bravely opening the dialogue, you'll also avoid misunderstandings with co-workers; other factors may be contributing to an ignored e-mail or seemingly unfriendly response, such as a tight deadline or pressure from the boss.

2. Anticipate
Be alert for problems and prepared with solutions. Offer answers to emerging issues; don't add to the pile of problems if you want to avoid triggering bad behavior. Your boss wants to delegate as much as possible -- as long as you make the process worry-free. Know when to stay away if you expect a tantrum is coming down the hall.

3. Laugh
Use humor, or what I call "the great diffuser" of tension, to break down interpersonal logjams. Laughter helps create bonds and reminds us of our larger purpose: to work together with upbeat, constructive energy. We can and should be able to accomplish great things as a team at work, while having some fun. Take the initiative to do this and watch the seething subside.

4. Manage up
Let yourself shine by being a problem-solver and collaborator. You can be a beacon of positive energy for your boss, co-workers and team. Part of managing up also means setting limits to bad behavior. Oftentimes TOTs are unaware of the effect of their actions. You can influence these actions, and your skills will be transferable to any job.

Advanced TOT-taming tips
Here are some specifics on how to tame your TOT and humanize your workplace. Try these time-honored "parenting" techniques:

5. Don't fight fire with fire
If your TOT is tantrum- or bully-prone, mirroring his childish behavior is a downward spiral. Avoid the temptation to win the battle and lose the war. Instead, calmly and concisely tell your boss how his or her actions affected you. Keep a matter-of-fact tone and be factual. Use "I" statements rather than "you" to avoid an accusatory demeanor.

6. Use positive and negative reinforcement
When bosses set aside their worst TOT traits, respond with gratitude and comment on how it inspires you to do your best. Praising positive actions is a powerful way to foster better behavior. Over time, your boss will link the better management style with positive employee morale and results. Remember, if there's something in it for your boss, you can effect change.

7. Know your timing
Timing can be everything, with a child or an office tyrant. Learn the best times of day to approach your boss. Study his or her patterns, mood swings and hot buttons and plan your interactions accordingly. It can make the difference between a pleasant "yes" and an irrevocable "no!" If you anticipate problems with solutions, you become indispensable.

8. Be a role model
Project the highest ethical standards and radiate positive energy. Maintain a balanced demeanor and approach each crisis (real or imagined) with a rational style. Your boss often needs a sounding board and you can be a valued voice of reason and calm when issues emerge.

9. Package your information well
Some TOTs can be frustrating when they're inattentive or unavailable. It can seem like a form of corporate ADD, or as I call it, BADD (boss attention deficit disorder). BADD bosses can't focus on important tasks and allow e-mails, text messages, phones and people to interrupt their (and your) flow.

Make sure you understand your boss's ideal communication method, package your work in an appealing way and make your presentations engaging and interactive. Make it irresistible for your boss to find out about your projects.

10. Set boundaries
Let bosses know privately when they've gone over the line, but do so diplomatically. Keep the conversation focused on your work product. If your manager is intentionally malicious, that's another matter that requires more serious action. If, after repeated efforts for cooperation (such as with a bully boss and unsupportive management), you may be best off looking elsewhere. You have to determine how much strife you can handle.

By Lynn Taylor, author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Creativity - The Genius

To the Divine Genius in my life - Ole! to you

After watching this clip, i have this sort of weird emotional feeling that came to me all of a sudden, i sorta ask myself this 'what have i achieved in the first quarter of my life?' i tried listing all my achievements and pen them down... and i concluded one thing...- most of the achievements i have done in the past are done so for others... and not solely to myself...

is this the path that i want to take? to make people happy so that i will be happy? or should i just be selfish and just make myself happy first so that others can be happy for me?

i think i really need to relook in my goals... try to re-analyse the path laid out for me... or hasn't it been laid? i should really give a thought about it...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Candy 'Shit'?

would you eat this?... this is farking hilarious when i first saw it... haha does it look yummy to you? wuahha... should try eating them if you dare...
this is to me called "shit bread" or eat you can buy this and play prank on you friends and get them to eat shit... force them to eat this ugly delicious shit bread
i seriously dunno how the QC dept for this company survive.. they even let this product be out selling on the shelf...

this 'shit bread' is available at bread society @ ION Orchard... they are presented very nicely in the picture but they are not on the shelf for consumers...or as what they called it.. this is actually called sugar candy cane bread. wonder how it taste though... would you buy as a gift?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

setting goals - be objective!!

The week that just past was kinda like slower than that of a usual week... how do i put it? too many things going thru in and out of my work, too many things to plan and think of... and worse i am starting to feel sick. probably it is the year end ba... working in the retail field gotta earn as much as possible during the festive period.

I guess, age is also catching up with me.. well not saying i am very old.. but i can start to feel lethargic as the days add on.

Remember the last entry i wrote? about finding a job and going to study? yeah i am really determined... i think in order for me to move on i really need to push myself harder to achieve what i set for my life.. as the chinese saying goes "suffer first and enjoy later". I have been working very hard since the day i started out... work starts immediately after i ORD from army..
been having late nights and brain frying stress since then.

I had a few holidays and break here and there though, hoping that i can catch up with my sleep but somethings i just cant get over it would be wasting the day staying at home doing practically nothing... really... that is when i will add on to my tiredness... force myself to go out and spend time with my friends no matter how tired i am.. what to do? when i only have 1 day in a week to practically have to squeeze everything into my already packed schedule... worse thing to happen would be me sleeping and still think about work.

My many friends do give me comments like, 'ben u look older/tired' 'ben is busy' but what can i say... i will always reply with a smile...

Recently, i have also been thinking alot about myself, my life etc... what have i achieved so far working at my current company? to be frank, sometimes i also find it hard to list them down too.. probably i have been jack of all trades and master of non... i really need to be focus and set a goal and be objective about it...

Finally it is Saturday... to many it is a full day where they can run their own errands and to clear it up so that they can have a nice Sunday to spend time with their family... As for me... i still have to work... i need to rush some project prep for some organizer.. all these are last minute request.. ended up it is another full day at work for a nice Saturday wasted... how i long yearn for a alternate Saturday or a NO Saturday work week... sighz... started work at 9am and suppose to end work at 3pm... ended up finished at 6pm... so sian.. guess i have to reschedule all my appt AGAIN so as to accomodate to the ppl in my life...

i am suppose to spend my Saturday in a well organised manner, to go shop around immediately after my work.. spend some quiet time.... before meeting F & J for steamboat dinner buffet at Holland V, but never did i expect my work to drag so long till 6pm... there goes my quiet shopping moment... ended up so rush that i reached the restaurant only at 630pm... it is all the rushing that gets onto my nerves.. ARGH!!!

After the dinner, F,J and I decided to go and find a nice cosy place to sit down and talk on some serious matter... we drove from Holland V to Vivo to Harbourfront, and we ended up hanging out at Changi Airport thinking that that place should be very quiet since everybody is in town...BUT! we were all wrong... Changi Airport is alomost packed with family and their screaming kids running around the Arrival and Departure halls.. took us quite a while before we settled down at T2 coffeebean, i ordered a ginseng peppermint tea... as i am falling sick and feeling abit nasal.. decided to go with something hot to soothe my throat and clear my windpipe...

our chatting session started off by us sharing our week, like what interesting happened and so on and so forth... we even talked about love life on when are we settling down etc.. then it just happened! the conversation just fits in nicely to talk about my work... and stress ... my tiredness etc.. hah.. kinda sick of how the whole chatting session can end up talking about work.

well, F is more experience in the work force... so i am very glad to know him as a personal friend.. he has been very good to us.. me and J who are still below 30s and still have many opportunities ahead of us.. F shared his experiences and how he is so determined to achieve what he wants ... he forcefully highlighted that no matter what circumstances, we should set a goal and be objective about it... must always plan well ahead in life and not let it go to waste...
we can be much more optimistic about our plans... not necessary do a long term goal if you are unclear... and we should set a short term goal and achieve them before setting our long term... and by the time you look back, there is always a sense of satisfaction for all that you have achieved... this method is a very good way for confused and lost ppl like us... to set a direction and achieve it... i must admit, i have not been doing that for a long time... it came to realise suddenly that i will ask myself this. "Ben, what is it that you want?, what you want to achieve in life? and what have you done that is worth looking back?" again i cant answer them truthfully... i am lost in my mess of thoughts.

F, got a little more serious this time and he said," Ben, if you cant do long term... try to set shorter term goals... they come handy when you are still unsure of what you want, but it is always the case that you must make yourself take the first step and be determined about it!", he added," even a daily goal like to hit the gym, or to go watch a movie is also a good objective driven goal""once, you can acheive that, all else will fall nicely in place"

afterwhich, he gave me a few pointer and i have set a few scopes to look at it..
  • to lose weight and hit 70kg before chinese new year.
  • to go and study and get a degree
  • to seek higher grounds
and there i have it ... my short term goals which i have to acheive in order for me to move on to do bigger things... J is also very supportive in these goals set and he strongly volunteered himself to help me achieve them... :)

we ended at about 130am, on a good note overall, I had a very good Saturday spent with my BFF... F & J.

Mood: satisfied

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Marit Larsen - If A Song Could Get Me You

My current Fave :)

I could try it with a Waltz
I could try you rock and roll
I could try you with the blues
If a song would do

I could sing it high or low
When I let you go you know
I thought it was for the best
Now it is so obvious

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

I could run for miles and miles
I'd take off and I'd start flying
I could cross land and sea
If you just believe me

I should not have hurt you so
This old house is not a home
Without you here, there's no use
I've got no time left to lose

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

If a song could get me through
I'd sing my way, right back to you
Tell me how, to make it right
Tell me now, I'll start tonight
I know I could make it last

I swear to you that if I knew
What I was getting myself into
I wouldn't answer to my fears
I'd never leave you standing there

Just look at me

If you'd only see me
I would prove my love for you
I could swallow half the moon
Just tell me where, tell me when
I will have you back again

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Moon - the Twilight Abalone

I haven gotten a chance to watch this movie yet, but this poster is hilarious!!!
Vampire - sucker for Abalone... wuhahaha. nice one!

New Moon - Abalone is a product available in Singapore which has been around for quite some time even before the saga..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Epic Fails - Funny (loved the last one)

by epicfailure101

When Co-Workers Go From Friend to Foe - something interesting that i read

Growing up, plenty of people dished out advice about what kind of job to get. I was told to find a way to get paid doing what I love. I was also told to find a job that paid the bills because I'd resent my passion if it were my job. Each person had a story to prove why their advice was right. Ultimately, I listened to no one and just did what felt right. As a result, I realized one size does not fit all for career advice.

The same goes for befriending the people you work with, or bringing friends into the workplace. For some people, friendship and professionalism go hand-in-hand. For others, not so much. And for certain workers, friendship was integral to the workplace until things went very, very wrong.

"It can be very good or very bad -- depending on a number of factors, including the personalities of the people who are friends and their relationship in the workplace. For example: Is one person insecure, jealous, needy or passive-aggressive? Is one supervising the other? Are they in a very competitive environment? Are there wide discrepancies between their salaries or earning power?" says Irene S. Levine, author of "Best Friends Forever: Surviving a Breakup with a Best Friend."

"Because of the potential downsides, such friendships should be approached slowly and judiciously to avoid disappointments. You need to allow them to unfold slowly so you have a good sense of the other person -- and know whether the person is trustworthy and has good judgment," says Levine.

If only some people got this advice early in their careers.

First comes friendship, then comes betrayal
At a previous job, Crystal Brown-Tatum was a receptionist but had formed a professional friendship with a sales executive -- one of the few people in the office who showed her respect. That all changed when the sales executive became involved with Brown-Tatum's fiancé, who was a manager at the same company. As you might expect, the friendship suffered, and so did her career. As a result, Brown-Tatum was put on paid leave to "cool down" and her access to e-mail and the premises was restricted.

"By the time the affair came out, [my fiancé] was relocated to a New York office while [the sales manager] and I remained in the Houston office," she says. "When I returned to work, we were all advised by HR not to discuss the relationship or face severe consequences. I had to go out of my way to avoid her but everyone in the office knew. It was extremely awkward."

Another consequence of the situation was how distrusting she became with colleagues, even after she had moved on to a new employer. She was especially hesitant around the women in the office. Ultimately she started her own company, Crystal Clear Communications, because the thought of working in a similar environment was too much for her.

Leslie Jacobs of Les Mess Organizing Cards also found her work life go from peaceful to turbulent in a brief moment. She was friends with an office manager at a previous employer. They were regular lunch friends and spent much of their time together. Then one day the office manager stopped talking to her. Years before the friend had done something similar, but the silent treatment didn't last long so Jacobs dismissed it as a one-time event. This time it was permanent -- no explanation and no opportunity for Jacobs to understand what was going on.

"I asked her to talk to me -- let's talk this out. She refused," Jacobs remembers. "She would only talk to me in a very businesslike way. But, as office manager she had the power to make my job easy or not -- and she chose not." Not surprisingly, there was a round of layoffs shortly after and Jacobs was let go from her job. Although she was told it was a financial issue, Jacobs knew that wasn't the case -- especially when she saw the organization throw a party for 50,000 attendees. She never found out the reason for the sudden change of heart, but she knows former colleagues are being told a significantly different story to explain Jacobs' departure.

A friendship postmortem
Sometimes the friendship falls apart after the professional relationship ends, which can be just as hurtful. That's what happened to Linda Athans, now a marketing manager at Mangrove Employer Services. For a previous company she was a director and had hired an assistant from another department. She established a mentor/protégé relationship with the assistant.

"The two of us not only reshaped the entire department for the company, but also became great friends in the process ... almost sisters," Athans says. "We saw each other outside work frequently, shared secrets and could be both professional and silly with each other. I was even in her wedding!"

Unfortunately, Athans' position was eliminated and she left work permanently on a Friday afternoon. She didn't hear from the assistant until Monday morning, and then it was only to ask about project Athans had been working on. She was apparently filling Athans' role and made no attempt to approach her as a friend.

"Needless to say I was upset at the callousness -­ I had just lost my job of four years.[I] told her that I didn't work there anymore and she should get direction from the VP," Athans says. "She got angry with me, hung up, and that was that."

They've seen each other since and their interaction has gone from cordial to nonexistent. For Athans, the lesson learned was that friendships shouldn't exist within the office.

"Most of what we shared revolved around work and being in the same situation. But once I left, it was obvious that we didn't really have that much in common and were two very different people. Sometimes I am reminded of her and remember the good times we had fondly, but that relationship definitely changed how close I get to people in the workplace."

How to deal
What do you do if your friendship with a co-worker is going south? And what if it's beyond repair? Levine has some tips for workers:

· Notice the warning signs and stay calm
"The first step would be to communicate, without casting blame, to see if a minor misunderstanding can be straightened out," Levine advises. "Perhaps it is a question of establishing boundaries with which both friends feel comfortable. Depending on what happened, for example, two friends may decide to only be friends in the workplace or to only be friends outside of work, limiting their conversation about work."

· Approach with caution
"If the friendship is falling apart, you might want to act cordial but slowly pull back, spending last time and sharing fewer intimacies with the individual. You still want to act friendly and greet them in the workplace. The last thing you want to do is to draw other people into your conflict [or] misunderstanding," Levine suggests.

· Understand the kind of friendship you have
"Workers need to remember that not all friendships stick," Levine reminds. "Most are transient and you don't want to do anything to jeopardize your employment and reputation, particularly in this economy. On the other hand, friends in the workplace can be your greatest collaborators, cheerleaders, and shoulders to cry on and re-energize."

By Anthony Balderrama, writer

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

nice rainbow paper bags

Now available with any purchase from the store

The BAG that followed me for 14years

This was given to me by my Dad for my first camping experience... it was a Bday gift from my Dad when i was Secondary 1 - 12 years old. i vividly remembers this was bought at Beach Road Army market... this bag looks very big then which almost can cover the whole of my waist and upper torso. kinda like this bumble bee colour combination then... haha dunno why too

well this bag is damn tough and still in good conditions after all these years of countless camps i went... holiday i brought these along with me too. i must say, i have kinda grown attached to this bag as it brings bag fond memories... from my first NCC camp to my Army camp in tekong... surprisingly i am still using it.. till date.. other than some small tear... everything else is still in good condition.

oh these is the Deuter Cree collection... well as you can see.. the logo is almost gone and the 'C' of Cree just disappeared... well, one tough bag you are... can imagine the tough times it went thru with me. :)
there is also one thing i forgotten to do when i first received this present...
THANKS DAD!!! i don't think you remember this bag but i will always treasure it and take good care of it as i promised then... :)

Nice Chicken Rice at Expo

Sometimes it is worth travelling further to enjoy good food in Singapore... I was working at Expo on one of the days on setting up for a sales project... my colleague, Imran and i decided to have our lunch at Expo due to the time constrain... he intro this Chix Rice to me, which he claims very famous... Fook Seng Goldenhill Chicken Rice... i never heard of... but he never sounded so confident in a way convincing.. ha.... i still took my time exploring around the not so big food court while he queued up for the Chix Rice... well i think probably it was cold outside, raining for the past days... i was thinking of having a bowl of hot sinful curry...

i walked to where Imran is sitting to check on his order, at that time i was more or less decided to eat curried stuff.. till i saw this! the fat juicy fatless pearl white chicken on the pearly rice staring at me, while imran is indulging it one mouthful at a time... i was almost drooling ... gosh!!! it LOOKS GREAT!!!! i threw away my idea of the curry rice and decided to buy this 'famously' labelled Chi Rice and give it a try... :)

took me 10 mins to queue.. the chef went to washroom...
took me 5 mins to finish!!!! i was famished!
the soup was fabulous, the rice was not oily, the chicken was juicy and the chef is not at all stingy with the serving...
4 stars out of 5 stars...

1000 cranes for a better tomorrow

We folded these cranes until fingers pain... thanks to our family members who helped too :)

An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. The crane in Japan is one of the mystical or holy creatures (others include the dragon and the tortoise), and is said to live for a thousand years. In Asia, it is commonly said that folding 1000 paper origami cranes makes a person's wish come true. This makes them popular gifts for special friends and family.

Began as a project to collect paper cranes to be sent to Hiroshima for the 50th anniversary of the bombing. Ever since the story of Sadako Sasaki, a young girl who was 2 at the time of the bombing and 10 years later died of leukemia, became widely known, people from around the world have sent origami cranes to the Children of the A-Bomb statue in the Hiroshima Peace Park as a symbol and wish for peace. Sadako attempted to fold 1000 cranes believing she would get well by doing so. It is Japanese legend that folding 1000 cranes (senbazuru) so pleases the gods that the folder is granted a wish. Sadako wished to get well. Her story, as presented in several books, has become an inspiration for school children world-wide to fold cranes in a wish for peace.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloweenie 2009

as per last year, i did the horror movies inspired getup. last year i did as Jason from Friday the Thirteen, this time round i did as a zombie from MJ's Triller... ha

yup that is me alright at the bottom right... and hell ya it was a blast!... did not take much pictures this year though, probably cos we are all tired from preparing this 2 hr getup and non of us is willing to take out our camera

yes this is my latest getup for 2009... zombie!!! as per compared to last year... this is definitely much more horrific. :p so proud

and who is the artist behind most of these getup? yes... me haha...
Saimun came later in the evening cos he jus touch down for his trip to KL... well it was no problemo for us to get him ready... with 4 person to help him... his costume took only about 15mins to settle.

Wala... a zombiefied Saimun... infested by all of us... and yesh... we tore his Esprit Tee into junk.. haha like in movies... zombie infesting human

well not forgetting MJ.. our poor Kenneth who is suppose to be our Zombie group got saboed by me... haha.. what to do.. his zombie getup looks so much like MJ... thus we decided to transform him to 'Ghost' and here you go.. MJ alive!

Resident evil returns- well all is a good nite.. we moved from Zouk to Butter and to Zirca... din manage to go in to butter though... but managed to gate crash Zirca all thanks to Yifang.. well forgot to take a pic with her... she was supposedly the girl Octopus... haha scary though... 3 nails went thru her head... hah
mood: happy

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

horrific week

it was a very tiring week for me ,last, almost the same routine, 9am till (everyday ends different timing)....well not really a bad one though the late nights... had alot of meetings with our partners to plan for the evening event last Sunday, i am proud of myself everytime i complete one of such project, reason not being that i completed it, but because i used the most minimal cost to do event of such.. 2 thumbs up for myself

lately, i have been feeling very down... i am no longer interested with my work for some reasons i do not know... probably becos i have witness too many come and go colleagues and or perhaps the work is getting abit flat... there is only so much i can do in this company, i do see the company growing, but my role in the company stays the same, yes, i still make minor mistakes but i just feel that i deserve something better rather than having a good pay... i wan to do more roles as far as work is concerned... been talking to friends around me too about my work and stuff.. everyone told me to move on... i heard... but where to?

i am agressively going around for job hunt but non interest me at the moment, sent out resume to a couple of job agency and to no avail... guess i am stucked in this job at this juncture.. BUT I NEED TO FIND A REMEDY QUICK!!! i am getting restless and getting tired as the day goes by... can you imagine? my new colleague/partner is already starting to feel the strain on his personal life when he is like not even a year in this job.... what about me? who endured for 4 years... sigh...

met F and J yesterday and today... and they are really concerned about me... Thanks guys!
J said that i looked haggard and worned out day after day... well i guess it has to be the late nights and those sleepless night... anyway, we chatted, and the discussion about me seems neverending, i tried a few times to change the topic... but we always ended up talking about me and my work and my restless nights... haha... well i really gave a deep thought into their suggestions... i more or less am determined to go apply for a course to study... and find a part time job... in fact i did find a course to study in Kaplan... before really deciding.. i will go do more research on it... wish me luck

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

reasons why i haven been bloggin

hey guys, sorry for being MIA, have been too addicted to facebooking haha

my Facebook status:

I have written 381 statuses overall, my daily average is 0.97 and the first status I ever wrote was 392 days ago.
My most frequent used word is XXXX and I have used it 20 times
one random status of mine: need advise on a Bali itinery.... anyone?

ook... i am bringing sexy back to my blog already... wait for it :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My New Blackberry Bold

Well, decided not to wait any longer for Nokia E72... dunno when the farking hell it will come out in the market... it says 3rd quarter... it is already going into the 4th Quarter!!
i really need to get a phone fast.. else my personal line will be officially dead for 1 year!!!
i decided to settle down with Blackberry Bold
did some modification!... Masking $39 + Mirror screen Protector $10

Nice rite!!!... cant resist the Pop Art color!

A little close up for the curious... i really love this!

Halloween is coming!

If those of you cant remember my last year's Halloweenie Getup!... see above... Mr Jason from Friday the Thirteen!!

yeah i got a little inspired by it last year... cos it was the simplest and the fastest preparation get up after office hour!... and yeah.. it was a Friday too!!
however, there was this flaw.... i am suppose to be the CEREAL Killer! not Serial Killer... get it?

but i did not get the chance to buy a box of Cereal Cornflakes.. haha

so end up... here's the result

This was me with Dead Geisha (Su-Ann) ... she had one of the best get-up of the night!
Me with Eygptian Queen
Witch Doctor (Gery) even lose to Mr Jason.

What should i do this year??? i got some inspiration!!
Hentai Star? lol... this is quite impossible
Mr Caveman? gosh.. i dun think i am that hairy.. nor i would wan to wear a mascot!

Balrog/Vega? hmmm i dun think i have this kinda body to show!

hmm Mr Frankie?... yup hotter... i think this getup is easier!

Alright!!! i think this is really cool! evil Mickey!... haha out to destroy the Kids how cool is that!
well, still got time to think about it... lets see what i will have this time round... :0_0: